Meet Petunia, the Curious Little Piggy
In the enchanting world of feline friends, there's a special place for Petunia — a curious little piggy with a heart as playful as her spirit is adventurous. This sweet soul, lovingly nicknamed by her foster mom, is a testament to the joy that unfolds when curiosity meets a loving heart.
Petunia is a playful explorer, ready to trot into new adventures with the enthusiasm of a little piggy. While she might be a bit shy in unfamiliar situations, her true colors shine once she feels safe and secure. A transformation occurs, revealing a kitty who adores pets and cuddles, melting hearts with every purr.
In the ideal home, Petunia would thrive with older kids who can match her playful energy and provide the gentle touch she craves. Currently, she hasn't had exposure to dogs, but a calm canine companion familiar with the feline ways might just be the missing piece to Petunia's happiness puzzle.
Don't miss the chance to welcome Petunia into your home; her curious nature, playful spirit, and affectionate heart make her a charming addition to any family. Adopt Petunia today, and let the adventures of companionship begin!
Please note:
- Petunia should be adopted with her best friend
- Petunia is shy and needs a quiet home with no young children. (The San Diego Humane Society offers a Shy Cat training class over Zoom.)
More information & application [ts=1736409805&src=aap]