Itty Bitty is just the right size for someone looking for a medium size dog. At 32 pounds and 6 years old, she will make an excellent companion. She is affectionate and people friendly but she can be dog selective with larger dogs due to her small size. She walks well on a leash and she does not mind being by herself when you are not home. She crates well and rides well in the car. She is a cute m, small package waiting on her perfect companion.
Itty Bitty is just the right size for someone looking for a medium size dog. At 32 pounds and 6 years old, she will make an excellent companion. She is affectionate and people friendly but she can be dog selective with larger dogs due to her small size. She walks well on a leash and she does not mind being by herself when you are not home. She crates well and rides well in the car. She is a cute m, small package waiting on her perfect companion.