Meet Darla! This sweet girl has not had it easy in her two years of life and it shows. She could use some TLC. Despite whatever she has been through she is so gentle and kind and loves belly rubs. I had to sit with her to get her leashed up and the tightening of the leash made her whimper and a little fearful. She let me carry her and when introduced to another dog she really came out of her shell! She could definitely have some fur siblings. She deserves a home to unwind in and to be shown she is loved.
Meet Darla! This sweet girl has not had it easy in her two years of life and it shows. She could use some TLC. Despite whatever she has been through she is so gentle and kind and loves belly rubs. I had to sit with her to get her leashed up and the tightening of the leash made her whimper and a little fearful. She let me carry her and when introduced to another dog she really came out of her shell! She could definitely have some fur siblings. She deserves a home to unwind in and to be shown she is loved.
Animals seen here may not be available - go to and click "Adoptions". If you don't see the animal on our shelter's actual website, it has already been adopted. Highly adoptable pets such as puppies or unique breeds usually get adopted immediately and do not update on Adopt-A-Pet in a timely manner.
If you DO see the animal on, click their photo for instructions to adopt! We are open 12pm-5pm daily.
Animals seen here may not be available - go to and click "Adoptions". If you don't see the animal on our shelter's actual website, it has already been adopted. Highly adoptable pets such as puppies or unique breeds usually get adopted immediately and do not update on Adopt-A-Pet in a timely manner.
If you DO see the animal on, click their photo for instructions to adopt! We are open 12pm-5pm daily.