Posted over 9 months ago | Updated over 9 months ago
Claudia is a gray and white mix of Russian Blue and Tuxedo. She has been living together with her litter sister, Rebecca, with us, for seven years, since their birth. Claudia is an intelligent, healthy, engaged, loving, social, and endearing animal. Claudia is skilled and energetic at play, and also good at relaxing. Claudia loves hanging out with her human family. She will jump onto a chair when we are eating a meal and sit up straight in her seat at the table. If someone is feeling stressed she can tell: she comes over and meows and puts out a paw to soothe the person, dispelling any tension. She also loves to play catch: we throw up a crumpled piece of paper into the air and she jumps up and paws it down. Claudia treats her sister, Rebecca, with love and care.