
My name is Chanterelle!

Posted over 5 months ago | Updated 2 days ago

My basic info

Domestic Shorthair
Gray or Blue
Pet ID
Hair Length

My details

Alert icon Not good with kids
Alert icon Not good with dogs
Alert icon Not good with cats
Checkmark in teal circle Purebred
Checkmark in teal circle Housetrained

My story

Here's what the humans have to say about me:

You can fill out an adoption application online on our official website.

Chanterelle a été trouvée errante en janvier 2023 avant d'être amenée au Réseau Secours Animal. Rapidement, nous avons compris que Chanterelle avait des besoins particuliers qui nous amèneraient quelques petits défis! Elle cherchait le contact humain, mais avait des sensibilités qui faisaient en sorte qu'elle mordait souvent. Elle a été placée en famille d'accueil pour trouver un environnement plus calme et va maintenant très bien. C'est une chatte enjouée, joueuse et affectueuse. Elle aime dormir avec son humain, collée et aller sur ses genoux. Elle adore se prélasser au soleil sur son arbre à chat. Elle est gourmande et aime les gâteries ainsi que la nourriture en conserve. Elle est déjà entraînée à aller seule dans son transporteur afin que nous n'ayons pas besoin de la manipuler du tout. Elle utilise aussi très bien ses grattoirs. Chanterelle est devenue une bonne petite chatte adorable. Elle s'assure que son humain ne tarde pas trop au lit en le léchant dès que le réveil se fait entendre.
Chanterelle est aussi :
♥ Une chatte qui est médicamentée sous fluoxetine à raison de 1 fois par jour. La médication est mise dans une ‘pill’s pocket’, et elle n’a aucun problème à la prendre. Cette médication permet d’être moins anxieuse, moins réactive et de mieux gérer ses émotions. Nous ne recommandons absolument pas l’arrêt de cette médication.
♥ Chanterelle déteste les autres chats et la vue des autres chats. Elle ne doit donc pas être dans un endroit où il y a beaucoup de chats qui passent près des fenêtres. Dans sa famille d’accueil, elle est au 2e étage et nous avons mis une porte qui enlève l’accès aux chats qui s’aventureraient à monter là. Ça se passe très bien.
♥ Chanterelle peut avoir peur des bruits. Elle a besoin d’un environnement calme.
♥ Chanterelle ne peut pas être prise dans les bras, cela la fait réagir fortement. Elle ne peut donc pas se faire couper les griffes. Cela a été vu et travaillé, mais Chanterelle a fait des réactions vives qui font en sorte que c’est dangereux. Nous avons donc mis en place plusieurs types de grattoirs pour affiler le mieux possible ses griffes. L’alternative est d’aller en clinique vétérinaire, se faire couper les griffes, et de ne pas le faire à la maison, même avec un toiletteur expérimenté. Si elle réagit, il est mieux qu’elle le fasse en clinique avec un humain inconnu, qu’à sa maison avec son humain de référence. 
Chanterelle a besoin d’une famille :
♥ Qui veut faire la différence dans sa vie.
♥ Expérimentée. Qui comprend la base des comportements félins.
♥ Qui va continuer à lui donner sa médication et respecter ses limites.
♥ Calme, stable et sans enfant i.e. qui ne veut pas d'enfants dans le futur non plus.

Chanterelle est un chat adulte, donc les frais d'adoption pour elle sont de 290$. Elle est stérilisée, vaccinée, micropucée et négative pour le virus de l'immunodéficience féline (VIF) ainsi que la leucose féline (FeLV). Des assurances santé de 6 semaines viennent avec son adoption. Vous pourrez avoir recours à l'aide de l'équipe des adoptions aussi longtemps que nécessaire. Vous avez aussi droit à 1 an de consultations gratuites suivant l'adoption avec notre consultante en comportement félin FelineGood ( ).           


Afin d'avoir une chance de l'adopter, veuillez remplir notre formulaire d'adoption directement sur notre site web:



Chanterelle was found as a stray in January 2023 and brought to the Animal Rescue Network. We quickly realized that Chanterelle had special needs that would present us with a few challenges! She sought human contact, but had sensitivities that meant she often bit. She was placed in a foster home to find a calmer environment and is now doing very well. She's a playful, affectionate cat. She loves sleeping with her human, snuggling up and going onto their lap. She loves basking in the sun on her cat tree. She has a sweet tooth and loves treats and canned food. She's already trained to go into her carrier on her own, so we don't need to handle her at all. She also uses her scratching posts very well. Chanterelle has become a sweet little cat. She makes sure her human doesn't take too long to bed by licking them as soon as he wakes up.

Chanterelle is also :
♥ A cat on fluoxetine 1 time a day. The medication is put in a 'pill's pocket', and she has no trouble taking it. This medication helps her to be less anxious, less reactive and to manage her emotions better. We absolutely do not recommend stopping this medication.
♥ Chanterelle hates other cats and the sight of other cats. She should therefore not be in a place where there are many cats passing by the windows. In her foster home, she's on the 2nd floor, and we've put a door to keep out any cats that might venture up there. She's doing very well.
♥ Chanterelle can be afraid of noise. She needs a quiet environment.
♥ Chanterelle can't be held, as it makes her react strongly. So she can't have her claws clipped. This has been seen and worked on, but Chanterelle's strong reactions make it dangerous. So we've set up several types of scratching posts to sharpen her claws as much as possible. The alternative is to go to a veterinary clinic and have her claws trimmed, and not to do it at home, even with an experienced groomer. If she reacts, it's better to do it in a clinic with an unfamiliar human, than at home with her reference human.

Chanterelle needs a family:
♥ Who wants to make a difference in her life.
♥ Experienced. Who understands the basics of feline behavior.
♥Who will continue to give her medication and respect her limits.
♥ Calm, stable and childless i.e. who doesn't want children in the future either.

Chanterelle is an adult cat, therefore the adoption fees for her are $290. She is sterilized, vaccinated, microchipped and negative for feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) and feline leukemia (FeLV). You will also be provided with health insurances for the first 6 weeks following adoption. You will also have access to the support of the adoption team for as long as you need it. You will also have access to 1 year of free consultations following the adoption with our cat behaviour consultant FelineGood ( ).


In order to get a chance to adopt her, please fill out our adoption directly on our website:

Visit this organization's web site to see any additional information available about this pet.
September 16, 2024, 12:02 pm
Animal Rescue Network/Reseau Secours Animal

Contact info

Pet ID
P.O. Box 32203, St. André Station, Montreal, QC H2L 4Y5

Their adoption process

Additional adoption info

All new adoption homes are carefully screened to determine if they are suitable. There is an adoption fee that includes the sterilization, initial vaccination of every animal, testing for FIV and FeLV of all cats at the shelter, and a 21 days trial period. A contract is always signed between the ARN and the adopter for their protection. A follow-up by an ARN adoption coordinator is often done either by telephone or by visit, and we also offer help/cousel for the life of the cat.

Go meet their pets

We hold weekly adoption clinics at pet supply stores throughout the Montreal area, and the South Shore to find permanent homes for our cats and dogs.
We'd love to meet you at our next adoption clinic!

At our last adoption clinic, we had 5 cats adopted!

Adoption Days:
  • March 13th: Naturalanimal & Pawtisserie 4932B Sherbrooke West (Westmount)
  • March 20th: Mondou 8001 Boul. Newman, Ville LaSalle (Montreal)
  • Mondou 4067 St Jean Blvd (DDO)
  • Naturalanimal & Pawtisserie 4932B Sherbrooke West (Westmount)
  • : Mondou 2032 Victoria Avenue (Greenfield Park)
  • : Mondou 5580 Chemin Côte St-Luc (Montreal)

  • You can also visit our many shelter cats and let one of them adopt you! Visits to the shelter are by appointment only so please contact our adoption coordinator at .

    Ways You Can Help:

  • Sponsor a Cat! With a donation of only 12 dollars per month, you could sponsor the cat of your choice. Check out our sponsorhip page for more details.
  • Join Our Team! We are always on the look out for new volunteers. Give as much or as little time as you can. We need more people in our teams, for the following tasks:
    cleaning, giving meds, fundraising, adoptions, finances, communications, recruiting and transport. If you are interested, call (514) 938-6215 option 2 and our volunteer team leader will contact you within a few days. Check out our volunteering page for more details.
  • Donate! We are not subsidized by the government and rely solely on your generous donations to care for our animals. You can make a secure donation through Canada Helps or by cheque to "Animal Rescue Network". Your cash contributions are tax deductible! Income tax receipts will be issued for donations of 10$ or more. Please include your complete contact information so that we know where to send the receipt(s).
    If you don't want to donate cash but would like to help out nonetheless, check out our cats' wish list here.
  • More about this rescue

    The Animal Rescue Network's mission is to bring about a day when no unwanted animals are destroyed in shelters or pounds, and when every cat and dog can be ensured a happy life in a good home.

    We are the largest no-kill shelter in Quebec, run entirely by volunteers. We receive no funding of any kind and rely entirely on private donations to sustain and care for all the animals at our shelter.

    Other pets at this rescue