Posted over 9 months ago | Updated 1 month ago
Willow is as sweet as can be and loves every person she meets!!! She is a GORGEOUS 1-year-old, 25lb. brindle pup. She LOVES her toys and kids too! And if you are looking for a dog who will enjoy some ball with you in the backyard, Willow is a willing participant. She plays well with other dogs and can hold her own with bigger friendly dogs too. Willow is pretty much housetrained but occasionally has a tinkle when excited. She is doing well with leash training, is crate trained, and sleeps in her crate overnight. Willow would probably even do ok as an only dog.
Like all puppies her age Willow will need to continue her training and socialization with other people and dogs but she is off to a great start! If you live the in the Central Florida/Orlando area and feel your home is a great fit for Willow, please send in an application and let us know more about your family.