Honey is a 1 year old American Pit Bull Terrier/Labrador mix, she currently weighs around 43 pounds.
Honey has been through obedience training and was an excellent student. She walks great on a leash and knows all the basic commands.
Honey's current owner has some medical issues and feels that she needs more than she can give her. She needs an active family that will keep her busy and well exercised. She is great with other dogs but hasn't been around any cats in her current home.
If you would like to meet Honey please fill out an application from our website.
Honey is a 1 year old American Pit Bull Terrier/Labrador mix, she currently weighs around 43 pounds.
Honey has been through obedience training and was an excellent student. She walks great on a leash and knows all the basic commands.
Honey's current owner has some medical issues and feels that she needs more than she can give her. She needs an active family that will keep her busy and well exercised. She is great with other dogs but hasn't been around any cats in her current home.
If you would like to meet Honey please fill out an application from our website.