Posted over 10 months ago | Updated over 10 months ago
Hope was dumped in my neighborhood along with a male that has been adopted. Everyone she met in the neighborhood along with my veterinarian and myself think she is the sweetest cat they ever met. She was in the early stages of pregnancy, I had her spayed, vaccinated and de-wormed. Her teeth are in great shape, approximately 2 years old, 8.8 pounds. Is very sweet and loving to any human she meets, other cats not so much. I fully intended to make her part of my family, but she is a bully to my other cat, has even injured her slightly. I have tried my best to introduce them slowly and supervise them, but it's just not working. Hope outweighs Tootsie by around 3 pounds and will out of the blue attack her and not in a playful way. Can't even use her litter box in peace, even though Hope has her own box in another room. But if you are looking for a snuggle bug of a cat, she's your girl, she has never once attempted to bite or scratch me, goes right in a carrier with no fuss, medication too.