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Meet Ozzie. This handsome fella is a 2â֣yr old male Doberman. He’s 70lbs. A fenced in yard is required for Ozzie. He will need an active family. Ozzie gets along with female dogs. He will need a home without male dogs or cats.
All our animals receive professional veterinary attention including spay/neuter, testing, vaccination, deworming, food and shelter. We only rescue from Animal Control and cannot accept lost, hurt or unwanted pets from individuals. We are a licensed non-profit no-kill shelter.
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Meet Ozzie. This handsome fella is a 2â֣yr old male Doberman. He’s 70lbs. A fenced in yard is required for Ozzie. He will need an active family. Ozzie gets along with female dogs. He will need a home without male dogs or cats.
All our animals receive professional veterinary attention including spay/neuter, testing, vaccination, deworming, food and shelter. We only rescue from Animal Control and cannot accept lost, hurt or unwanted pets from individuals. We are a licensed non-profit no-kill shelter.