Caroline is a 3 yr old female Chihuahua. She came to our rescue pregnant and gave birth to 3 healthy puppies on 9/5. She was the best mom but now that they are old enough to be adopted, Caroline is looking for a home of her own!
She is has perfect house manners, is crate trained and loves to be on your lap. She likes other dogs and would do great in a home with a friend or by herself. She LOVES to snuggle and will sleep in bed with you or in her crate. She would also do great with kids. She has not been cat tested yet but has a very chill attitude and testing could be done if her potential adopters have cats. She is a sweetheart and the bestest girl!
If you are interested in adopting, please fill out and submit our application
Our Adoption Application
Failure to answer ALL questions will delay processing of your application.