Headmistress Minerva here with my daily schedule. At 9 am I will be attending a meeting with the Department of Magical Law Enforcement about how to keep the dogs from barking past 5 pm. At 10 am I will be having my morning tea in my bowl with a side of scrumptious catnip. At 10:30 am I will be sharpening my nails on this amazing board that they call a scratching post. At 11 am I will take my place on my bed as I start to nap (1 of 7). At 2 pm I will wake to eat and drink and take my place as the Gryffindor cats come in for their afternoon session. Come 4 pm and many mice chasing and spells gone wrong, I will wind down to a nice sip of chamomile water and tuna. If you want a well-organized, shapeshifting, sweet cat then I am the cat for you.
Headmistress Minerva here with my daily schedule. At 9 am I will be attending a meeting with the Department of Magical Law Enforcement about how to keep the dogs from barking past 5 pm. At 10 am I will be having my morning tea in my bowl with a side of scrumptious catnip. At 10:30 am I will be sharpening my nails on this amazing board that they call a scratching post. At 11 am I will take my place on my bed as I start to nap (1 of 7). At 2 pm I will wake to eat and drink and take my place as the Gryffindor cats come in for their afternoon session. Come 4 pm and many mice chasing and spells gone wrong, I will wind down to a nice sip of chamomile water and tuna. If you want a well-organized, shapeshifting, sweet cat then I am the cat for you.