This is Judy. She is a total lovebug. She was in a foster home since she was a kitten, but lately she's been hanging out at the shelter. The thing with Judy is that she's shy with strangers so she doesn't make the best impression when you first meet her. If someone would give her a chance and be patient, she will be your best friend. She loves getting pets and will bonk her head into your hand as you pet her. She loves to snuggle next to you and will purr and make biscuits. She has the softest, most silky fur too. She gets along with other cats and with the dog in her former foster home. She's very playful and will carry her toys all over and she loves to chase a laser dot. She would likely do best in an adult, quiet home or a home with older kids. She also has a brother, Franklin, who is very similar to Judy. She would love to be adopted with him, but it's not required.
This is Judy. She is a total lovebug. She was in a foster home since she was a kitten, but lately she's been hanging out at the shelter. The thing with Judy is that she's shy with strangers so she doesn't make the best impression when you first meet her. If someone would give her a chance and be patient, she will be your best friend. She loves getting pets and will bonk her head into your hand as you pet her. She loves to snuggle next to you and will purr and make biscuits. She has the softest, most silky fur too. She gets along with other cats and with the dog in her former foster home. She's very playful and will carry her toys all over and she loves to chase a laser dot. She would likely do best in an adult, quiet home or a home with older kids. She also has a brother, Franklin, who is very similar to Judy. She would love to be adopted with him, but it's not required.
Dog Application:
Cat Application:
Approve Application
Meet the Pet
Sign Adoption Contract
Pay Fee
Additional adoption info
All of our animals come with health records and are dewormed, have age appropriate vaccinations, spayed or neutered, microchipped, all cats are FIV/FeLV tested, and all dogs over 6 months are heartworm tested.
In order to be considered as an adopter you must:
* Be 21 years of age or older
* Have identification showing your present address
* Agree to a home check
* Be able and willing to provide a loving, safe and peaceful environment for this pet
* Be financially stable and willing to provide any necessary medical care
Once you have filled out an application, your application will be reviewed. If approved, we will contact you to schedule a meet and greet and home check via the email address provided.
All of our animals come with health records and are dewormed, have age appropriate vaccinations, spayed or neutered, microchipped, all cats are FIV/FeLV tested, and all dogs over 6 months are heartworm tested.
In order to be considered as an adopter you must:
* Be 21 years of age or older
* Have identification showing your present address
* Agree to a home check
* Be able and willing to provide a loving, safe and peaceful environment for this pet
* Be financially stable and willing to provide any necessary medical care
Once you have filled out an application, your application will be reviewed. If approved, we will contact you to schedule a meet and greet and home check via the email address provided.
We are by appointment only. Please apply today to set up an appointment. Please know we do have open adoption hours from 12-4pm every Saturday.
We are by appointment only. Please apply today to set up an appointment. Please know we do have open adoption hours from 12-4pm every Saturday.
More about this shelter
A 501(c)3 Animal Rescue in Pasco County, FL, our mission is to protect and advocate for all companion animals in need. We do this through rescue, adoption and spay and neuter services. Additionally, we hope to build a humane community that promotes compassion and kindness, by controlling the overpopulation of these animals through Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR), community outreach services, pet food bank, and education.
A 501(c)3 Animal Rescue in Pasco County, FL, our mission is to protect and advocate for all companion animals in need. We do this through rescue, adoption and spay and neuter services. Additionally, we hope to build a humane community that promotes compassion and kindness, by controlling the overpopulation of these animals through Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR), community outreach services, pet food bank, and education.
Other pets at this
We'll also keep you updated on Kiwi's adoption status with email updates.