Posted 1 year ago | Updated 1 year ago
Adjusting a new cat to a current cat is a lengthy process that I thought I could do but unfortunately I don’t have the time and space that I thought I did to keep them apart while they adjust to each other. I’ve come with the decision to not get any other pets while I have my cat. I’ve had him for less than a week so it should be an easy adjustment to his forever home :) he’s a perfect kitty, extremely playful, and loving, loves to sleep next to someone. I was told he does well with cats and loves the outdoors but I only kept him inside. Haven’t taken him to the vet yet, so no shots. I was told he was around 10-12 weeks. He had fleas when I got him, gave him a couple flea baths but he definitely still has some. Knows how to use the litter box. He’s not picky with food! Very sad that I can’t keep him but hopefully he finds a home who will give him all the love and care that he deserves.