Velvet is a friendly and loving young Pitbull/Mix. She's born around April 2022 and weighs 45lbs. She has a beautiful black and white brindle coat, and a physically fit physique! Velvet is dog friendly, and is very loving and playful! She has not been tested with kids but based on her personality she would likely be kid friendly. She has a medium energy level, and plays well with other dogs or on her own. Velvet would love a forever family that has another playful dog, but this is not a requirement. She is crate trained and house trained, and has good leash manners. Velvet is eager to please and is described by her foster Mom as both obedient and intelligent. She will be a wonderful addition to a family looking for a loving and loyal companion. She enjoys car rides and would love to go on fun outings with a forever family! Velvet is spayed, fully vaccinated, and microchipped. For more information about this sweet girl, please email us at or submit an application at BarkVille is located in Roswell, GA and our dogs are available for foster/adoption in the Greater Atlanta area. Applicants in surrounding states could potentially adopt a BarkVille dog if their application is approved, they live within 2-3 hours of the Greater Atlanta area, and they are able to pick up their dog from the foster home.
November 3, 2024, 9:25 pm