Posted 1 year ago | Updated 1 year ago
Lucy was born1/08//2023 she is 7 months old and weighs approximately 19 lbs. Her mother weighed 21 lbs so think she is probably close to full weight. She is pedigreed and has papers. She is tri colored and has beautiful markings. She is very energetic and loves stuffed dog toys, baby carrots, sliced strawberries and bananas. She needs a family who understands the high energy and stubbornness of Beagles. She loves men and my cat. My cat does not like her though. She would do well with other dogs.
She loves to snuggle in your lap when she is tired and is crate trained. She sleeps all night in her crate. I am Re homing her because at my age (a senior who is widowed,”) a puppy is just too much for me to handle. Also will be selling my home and not sure of future living arrangements for a puppy I want to find her the best family possible.