Honey is 6 years old and weighs 38 lbs. She’s friendly with people and social with other dogs. Honey and her 10 puppies, barley 3 weeks old) were left at our gate during the night. Despite not being in good condition herself, Honey was a fantastic mama and all 10 of her puppies survived. Our vet discovered she had a tumor for which she underwent treatment. Now this sweet girl is looking for her chance at a loving forever home.
If you would like to meet this dog you can read about our adoption process and submit an application on our website at: http://www.bajaanimalsanctuary.org/dogs.htm
Honey is 6 years old and weighs 38 lbs. She’s friendly with people and social with other dogs. Honey and her 10 puppies, barley 3 weeks old) were left at our gate during the night. Despite not being in good condition herself, Honey was a fantastic mama and all 10 of her puppies survived. Our vet discovered she had a tumor for which she underwent treatment. Now this sweet girl is looking for her chance at a loving forever home.
If you would like to meet this dog you can read about our adoption process and submit an application on our website at: http://www.bajaanimalsanctuary.org/dogs.htm