Meet Lulu! She is a 12 year old yorkie looking for her forever home! She came to rescue overweight but we have been working on her beach body with diet and exercise and she is now slim and trim. Her favorite thing is to play fetch. She will bring the toy back to you for hours if you keep throwing it for her. Her 2nd favorite thing is belly rubs. She rolls right over and will fall asleep while you rub her belly. She is good with other dogs but isn't really interested in playing with them, she prefers to play with her human family instead. She is great with my 7 year old and loves meeting new people-her tail is always wagging! She is scared of fireworks and thunderstorms. She will hide under the bed and shake. Anti anxiety medication given before a big storm or fireworks has helped alot. We think she has a luxating patella on her back leg because she will pick it up sometimes when she runs but it doesn't seem to bother her and she goes up and down stairs just fine. She is crate trained and housebroken.
If you are interested in adopting, please fill out and submit our application
Our Adoption Application
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