Hi, I'm Nevell! -- -- Here is some information about me: -- -- I like to take treats from your hand. -- I think other bunnies are interesting. -- I'm a great bunny for experienced bunny owners. -- -- I don't like: -- dogs, -- -- I am: -- curious, dominant, litter box trained, spicy, -- -- I like: -- to be pet, to binky, to chew, to decorate, to explore, to play, to run, -- Meet Nevell! An independent rabbit looking for his forever home. Nevell thrives as a lone rabbit. He would prefer the companionship and presence of his humans but does not need 24/7 cuddles. He doesn't mind cats but would not do well with tiny humans or dogs. He prefers a more relaxed environment these days. He needs lots of room to explore and enjoys his evening binkies and zoomies after his dinner has settled. While he may be slow to warm up, he has an amazing personality that will definitely provide tons of entertainment once he feels comfortable. He loves long pets and will do dramatic flops. He even has his own bed with a stuffed dog he cuddles when he sleeps. Nev loves to chew and toss his ball around! He loves cilantro and will come running for his daily greens to find it! Nevy often gets passed over because he's not a lap-bun but we know the right person it out there. -- -- Apply for Nevell at https://rabbitangelsrabbitrescue.com/forms/adoption_app.php?bunname=Nevell Our adoption fee is $120 for a single and $180 for a bonded pair. All adoptions are subject to approval and acceptance of terms. Not all persons will be approved. Upon approval a 50% non-refundable deposit is required for adoption commitments before a rabbit will be held. You will need to have the housing area all set up and ready for the rabbit to move in.
Hi, I'm Nevell! -- -- Here is some information about me: -- -- I like to take treats from your hand. -- I think other bunnies are interesting. -- I'm a great bunny for experienced bunny owners. -- -- I don't like: -- dogs, -- -- I am: -- curious, dominant, litter box trained, spicy, -- -- I like: -- to be pet, to binky, to chew, to decorate, to explore, to play, to run, -- Meet Nevell! An independent rabbit looking for his forever home. Nevell thrives as a lone rabbit. He would prefer the companionship and presence of his humans but does not need 24/7 cuddles. He doesn't mind cats but would not do well with tiny humans or dogs. He prefers a more relaxed environment these days. He needs lots of room to explore and enjoys his evening binkies and zoomies after his dinner has settled. While he may be slow to warm up, he has an amazing personality that will definitely provide tons of entertainment once he feels comfortable. He loves long pets and will do dramatic flops. He even has his own bed with a stuffed dog he cuddles when he sleeps. Nev loves to chew and toss his ball around! He loves cilantro and will come running for his daily greens to find it! Nevy often gets passed over because he's not a lap-bun but we know the right person it out there. -- -- Apply for Nevell at https://rabbitangelsrabbitrescue.com/forms/adoption_app.php?bunname=Nevell Our adoption fee is $120 for a single and $180 for a bonded pair. All adoptions are subject to approval and acceptance of terms. Not all persons will be approved. Upon approval a 50% non-refundable deposit is required for adoption commitments before a rabbit will be held. You will need to have the housing area all set up and ready for the rabbit to move in.
Rabbit Angels Rabbit Rescue, or RARR, is a small team that is dedicated to helping domestic rabbits that may otherwise be in danger or abandoned. We are a State of Michigan Registered 501c3 Non-Profit organization.
Rabbit Angels Rabbit Rescue, or RARR, is a small team that is dedicated to helping domestic rabbits that may otherwise be in danger or abandoned. We are a State of Michigan Registered 501c3 Non-Profit organization.
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We'll also keep you updated on Eddie's adoption status with email updates.