Posted 1 year ago | Updated over 4 months ago
We have a lot of very tiny kittens -who are not ready to go home yet, but are avaialble for pre-adoption. We have tabbys, orange, calico, black and tortis!
By appointmnet only -come and see them and put in a pre-adoption aplication today!
To offer me a loving home, please call the nice people at Touched By An Animal/Cats-Are-Purrsons-Too at (773)728-6336, or e-mail them at
We have a lot of very tiny kittens -who are not ready to go home yet, but are avaialble for pre-adoption. We have tabbys, orange, calico, black and tortis!
By appointmnet only -come and see them and put in a pre-adoption aplication today!
To offer me a loving home, please call the nice people at Touched By An Animal/Cats-Are-Purrsons-Too at (773)728-6336, or e-mail them at