Bo kindly (I threw that word in) requests not to read any further if you do not have a sense of humor or if you don't know the difference between "purebred" and "purebread".
Badly Behaving Beagle “Bo”
Meet Bo. He’s a badly behaved beagle who is looking for a forever home. Bo looks very handsome, however, behind those cute eyes lies a vast hatred for other dogs, the word “no” and any generally known and societally accepted household rules. Bo came to rescue as an owner surrender. I firmly believe they were tired of living in the wake of the hellscape created in their home by this belligerent beagle.
And did we say he is a beagle? I think we did. But I am not even fully convinced that’s his actual breed.
Beagles have a phenomenal sense of smell and a seemingly endless stamina bred for hunting rabbits. This is partially true for Bo. He has a phenomenal sense of smell and endless stamina but is inept at hunting hares. Instead, he uses this skillset to harass the household trashcans, dinner tables, and countertops while hunting the toddlers in the home and stealing anything of desire from their hands or plates.
Beagles can vocalize in three ways. True for beagles, false for Bo. Bo can vocalize in 4 ways. A bark, a bay, a howl, and a demonic mouth open, tail tucked, ears flapping, paw raised screeching sound resembling a paranormal phenomenon worthy of calling Jason Hawes or Steve Gonsalves.
Beagles are also known for being affectionate and endearing. Bo is known for being bellicose and boujie while demanding his bidding be done by the servants of his household, ie, every human that dwells there and never taking no for an answer. Food is demanded to be delivered on time to avoid the wrath of the gluttonous pup who devours in seconds.
Some of you may take offense to this description, albeit an insanely accurate depiction of the character we care for daily, and scream “dogs are better than people” “’maybe you shouldn’t take care of dogs” “you’re mean” etc etc and that’s your right. To me, dogs are like ice cream…and I like ice cream. All flavors. But let’s be honest, some flavors are just better than others. Some flavors get ordered more often and fit the general mold of taste buds. But then there are flavors like Butter Pecan. There is acceptable butter pecan ice cream, and then there is terrible butter pecan ice cream. It is never “good”. The only person that walks into a Ben & Jerry’s and orders butter pecan flavor ice cream is 58, smokes cigars, and watches Fox News on full volume while stating “Trump’s a jerk but damn, he tells it like it is”. And just like butter pecan flavor ice cream, there is really only one person that could ever want Bo. We aren’t sure who that person is yet, but they exist, surely, they exist.
After all: Honesty is the best policy---right?
So if you are interested in adopting the dog proudly in the running for word’s worst, then apply at Or you can ignore this post like the government ignores unidentified objects flying over South Carolina. Your choice. And be very glad you still have a choice…help.
P.S. for a list of “good” qualities about Bo, feel free to reach out. We will do some digging.
Bo, but goes by "B-dog". Insists he was born in the wrong decade. Writes poetry and loves The Cure, but not because of South Park.
Intake Date: 8 Jan 2023 ----- Adopted: 29 April 2023 ----- Returned to Rescue 2 Nov 2024 (why? Hell, you got me. Aside from making him incredibly obese and uncomfortable) ------- Date of Birth: 12 September 2016 ----- Breed: Beagle ----- Size: 28 lbs ideally....currently 50 heckin pounds ----- Status: Owner Surrender ----- Compatible with: Other gentle dogs, children. Probably a no for cats but will see as he settles ----- Suitable for: home with a securely fenced yard. No exceptions ----- Medical/Behavioral Needs: Separation anxiety. ----- Additional Notes: Bo came to rescue with his buddy Deysi. He is a what appears to be a poorly bred beagle. He came from the pet store so the odds that he is from a backyard breeder are pretty high. He was surrendered for some behavior issues to include separation anxiety that causes him to get into the trash, scratch at doors and blinds, counter surf and howl. He also has NO manners so we will work on training. He steals food from children, off of tables, etc. He is an unruly little wild man and it's going to be a blast working with him! These dogs are the best dogs. He is TERRIFIED of new dogs so we will work on that too. Would be best to go to a home with a not in your face dog that likes to play and will give him a chance to trust. All of these things may make him sound like the world's worst dog, but he isn't. We are just transparent when many aren't so it can seem that way. Trust me, he is far from an awful dog, and he is only going to do better and better from here. An active home would be great! Or one with a BIG yard and a dog door so he can do all the beagle things.
Pupdate: Bo had a family for over a year and a half. And then they abandoned him for the two dogs on the home occasionally growling at one another. Dude, dogs communicate. But seeing his body condition at return, we aren't surprised he growls. He is INSANELY obese and uncomfortable. Literally in pain. His little legs just shake under the weight and his knees bow. Once we get him slim and trim, he will do great again! You cannot free feed a beagle. Let me repeat!! DO NOT FREE FEED A BEAGLE!
UPDATE: 1 Jan 2025 - Bo is down to 40 lbs and doing SO well with his diet and exercise. Check out rhe videos of him on the slat mill on the rescues Facebook page. He is also a very sweet guy. Yeah he has some quirks but we describe them all in good jest. He loves to couch cuddle, does well with all of the dogs at rescue and can be quite sensitive with corrections unless food is involved. Then he is a bit pig headed. Haha. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If interested in meeting and potentially adopting please read the adoption requirements and complete the adoption application located at Once processed and approved a meet and greet can be scheduled and if a match an adoption is finalized at that time. Adoption fee is $175 and all dogs are spayed/neutered, vaccinated, microchipped, dewormed, and treated for any known medical needs. Breeds are not guaranteed but often a best guess. Housetraining is not guaranteed but crate training is worked on with all residents. If a yard is present, a secure fence is mandatory.