My Foster Likes (a few words or one sentence) : Playing with feathery toys, chasing or being chased, cuddling on the couch, neck scritches
My Foster Dislikes (a few words or one sentence): Waiting to eat!
My Foster`s Ideal Home Would Have (a few words or one sentence): A home with plenty of toys, snacks, and games to play
Good with cats?: No
Good with dogs?: Yes, but takes time
Good with children?: Tolerates
Would this kitty enjoy an animal companion?: No
Temperament: Mix of needy and independent
Ideal type of household?: High activity
How long will it take kitty to settle into a new environment?: Immediately, A few days
Foster cat`s bio for their adoption profile: Ferris (called Billy by his foster family) is an energetic fella who loves jumping in the air for his toys or running around playing hide and seek. He is mostly independent but has grown to love cuddling with his people as well. He is intelligent and enjoys a challenging puzzle or trick, especially if it means he gets a little treat out of the deal.
Any special needs or traits the adopter should know about? (we may add this to the bio): He does not do well with other cats and prefers to be the only kitty in town. He needs a home with lots of play.
Sex: Male
Breed: Domestic Short Hair
* If Other, please specify :
Colour/Pattern : Orange tabby
Date of Birth (if known):
My Foster Likes (a few words or one sentence) : Playing with feathery toys, chasing or being chased, cuddling on the couch, neck scritches
My Foster Dislikes (a few words or one sentence): Waiting to eat!
My Foster`s Ideal Home Would Have (a few words or one sentence): A home with plenty of toys, snacks, and games to play
Good with cats?: No
Good with dogs?: Yes, but takes time
Good with children?: Tolerates
Would this kitty enjoy an animal companion?: No
Temperament: Mix of needy and independent
Ideal type of household?: High activity
How long will it take kitty to settle into a new environment?: Immediately, A few days
Foster cat`s bio for their adoption profile: Ferris (called Billy by his foster family) is an energetic fella who loves jumping in the air for his toys or running around playing hide and seek. He is mostly independent but has grown to love cuddling with his people as well. He is intelligent and enjoys a challenging puzzle or trick, especially if it means he gets a little treat out of the deal.
Any special needs or traits the adopter should know about? (we may add this to the bio): He does not do well with other cats and prefers to be the only kitty in town. He needs a home with lots of play.
Check out our adoption information at the SCAT Adoption Centre on Faithfull.
Adoption Screening form can be found on on the FORMS & INFO page.
Potential adopters will need to have landlord permission in writing as well as a carrier to get their new companion home safely.
Check out our adoption information at the SCAT Adoption Centre on Faithfull.
Adoption Screening form can be found on on the FORMS & INFO page.
Potential adopters will need to have landlord permission in writing as well as a carrier to get their new companion home safely.
Our Adoption Centre is a free roaming space where the animals are allowed to mingle with the people who come to visit. Come relax on the couches and have a cozy lap warmer. We are located at the corner of 50th & Faithfull Avenue.
Our Adoption Centre is a free roaming space where the animals are allowed to mingle with the people who come to visit. Come relax on the couches and have a cozy lap warmer. We are located at the corner of 50th & Faithfull Avenue.
More about this rescue
Since 1996 SCAT Street Cat Rescue's prime focus has been feral cats because of the limited options available for them. TNR is a successful option instead of the traditional trap and kill. The majority of the cats rescued by SCAT, however, are socialized and available for adoption. As the city grows, so to does the need for our services. Adopt, Donate, Volunteer, TODAY!
Since 1996 SCAT Street Cat Rescue's prime focus has been feral cats because of the limited options available for them. TNR is a successful option instead of the traditional trap and kill. The majority of the cats rescued by SCAT, however, are socialized and available for adoption. As the city grows, so to does the need for our services. Adopt, Donate, Volunteer, TODAY!
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We'll also keep you updated on Wonton's adoption status with email updates.