Posted over 2 years ago | Updated over 7 months ago
Luisa is an approximately 1-year-old (as of April 2023) cat who was rescued with her three litter mates snugly tucked in behind a flower box in an unsuspecting family's backyard. She is short and stout with stunning tabby markings and some gorgeous big eyes! She hasn’t been around dogs thus far in her life but I don’t think it would be an issue for her. Not one not to pester a cat that doesn’t want to be bothered, but she adores her adult foster brother and is never far out of his shadow. She likes to be part of the action laying near her people and sleeping on the bed with them most nights but prefers pets on her terms. I'm sure she would great companion for a lonely singular cat or a person who doesn’t try to push her too much with cuddling. She comes to you litter box trained, spayed, FIV/FeLV negative, and with all age-appropriate vaccinations so contact Rock City Rescue to adopt this gorgeous girl. Email the cat's name and phone number to
Luisa is an approximately 1-year-old (as of April 2023) cat who was rescued with her three litter mates snugly tucked in behind a flower box in an unsuspecting family's backyard. She is short and stout with stunning tabby markings and some gorgeous big eyes! She hasn’t been around dogs thus far in her life but I don’t think it would be an issue for her. Not one not to pester a cat that doesn’t want to be bothered, but she adores her adult foster brother and is never far out of his shadow. She likes to be part of the action laying near her people and sleeping on the bed with them most nights but prefers pets on her terms. I'm sure she would great companion for a lonely singular cat or a person who doesn’t try to push her too much with cuddling. She comes to you litter box trained, spayed, FIV/FeLV negative, and with all age-appropriate vaccinations so contact Rock City Rescue to adopt this gorgeous girl. Email the cat's name and phone number to