Posted over 2 years ago | Updated over 2 years ago
Mimi is a rescue cat from Salem Feline Friends. She was adopted in Aug 2018 when I moved to Salem, OR. She was a stray/rehomed cat - the story was not clear. She was a bit scraggely and had very bad teeth. She was approximately 8 years old and super friendly. We cleaned her up and had her teeth fixed (I have all vet reports from day 1), she is super gorgeous, animated and so loving. She likes nothing better than following her human, snuggling with them and being primped (she loves being brushed). She is communicative and super intelligent. She likes to sit out on the patio, but she is an indoor only cat. She doesn't tend to stray, but I do watch her closely. She is a terrific companion and loves to talk to the neighborhood cats through the screen door. She has been exposed to dogs in the neighborhood and doesn't hiss or react, she is curious. Children are fine, but like most animals, she doesn't like quick or jerky movements toward her. She sleeps a lot - which is normal.