Posted over 3 years ago | Updated over 2 months ago
Cat Ballou here reporting for The SARG Times. I’m interviewing Walker, a very special SARG kitty.
Cat: Walker, tell us about yourself.
Walker: I’m an orange tabby, bobtail boy, and I’ve probably got a Manx cat for an ancestor somewhere. I’m the perfect weight for my big bones, topping the scale at 16 pounds. When I went in for my vaccines, the vet tech wanted to know if I was a cat or a mountain lion. I’m shy, but once we are friends, I want all the pets!
Cat: What is your career aspiration?
Walker: I’ve always wanted to be a Texas Ranger. Can’t you just see me with a white cowboy hat on my head?
Cat: What is your favorite quote?
Walker: A true friend is a friend for life.
Cat: Do you have any hobbies?
Walker: I love taking naps, and then watching the birbs and skwerls from the screen porch at my foster home. They are so sassy, because they know I can’t get out!
Cat: Would you consider yourself a lap cat?
Walker: I’m a polite, gentleman cat who doesn’t require a lap. I love to be beside you, and if you stretch out on a recliner or a sofa, I love to lay across your legs.
Cat: Any final words?
Walker: Are you looking for a handsome, 2-year-old fella? That’s me. Give me a chance, and I’m sure you’ll be my favorite person, and I’ll be your favorite cat.
Adoption information at
Visit the SARG, Inc. website for more information about our policies, events, and to submit an online application for one of our animals:
Cat Ballou here reporting for The SARG Times. I’m interviewing Walker, a very special SARG kitty.
Cat: Walker, tell us about yourself.
Walker: I’m an orange tabby, bobtail boy, and I’ve probably got a Manx cat for an ancestor somewhere. I’m the perfect weight for my big bones, topping the scale at 16 pounds. When I went in for my vaccines, the vet tech wanted to know if I was a cat or a mountain lion. I’m shy, but once we are friends, I want all the pets!
Cat: What is your career aspiration?
Walker: I’ve always wanted to be a Texas Ranger. Can’t you just see me with a white cowboy hat on my head?
Cat: What is your favorite quote?
Walker: A true friend is a friend for life.
Cat: Do you have any hobbies?
Walker: I love taking naps, and then watching the birbs and skwerls from the screen porch at my foster home. They are so sassy, because they know I can’t get out!
Cat: Would you consider yourself a lap cat?
Walker: I’m a polite, gentleman cat who doesn’t require a lap. I love to be beside you, and if you stretch out on a recliner or a sofa, I love to lay across your legs.
Cat: Any final words?
Walker: Are you looking for a handsome, 2-year-old fella? That’s me. Give me a chance, and I’m sure you’ll be my favorite person, and I’ll be your favorite cat.
Adoption information at
Visit the SARG, Inc. website for more information about our policies, events, and to submit an online application for one of our animals: