Bingo is a 2 yrs old boy. His breed is unknown but looks like a miniature Shiba inu mix. He was found in Gangneung city pound and was about to be euthanized. Luckily, his rescue team found him and saved his life.
He is affectionate and has a high energy level outside and a low energy inside. He wants 2 hrs of walking daily. Bingo is a picky eater so his family has to put effort into his diet. He is good with female adult and takes a few days to be close to the adult male. He is friendly to other dogs small and large breed both. (His best friend at the boarding center was 25kg Jindo) He is well house trained and leash trained and not a escape artist.
He arrived Vancouver on August 12th and currently in foster home in Vancouver downtown.
For more photos and vidoes,
Bingo photos and vidoes!
For adoption applications,
Apply adoption here!