Posted over 4 years ago | Updated over 4 years ago
Prairie is a 6 month old dachshund/poodle mix puppy looking for her forever family near Davis, CA. She is tiny at just 13 pounds. I rescued her and her sister, Primrose, after they had been passed around to several homes without any vetting or training.
Prairie is good with dog-savvy cats and so far has been friendly with other small and large dogs she has met.
Unfortunately Prairie and her sister were left to their own devices in previous homes, so they have some catching up to do with training. Prairie’s family should be prepared to help her continue house-training, crate training, and commands.
Prairie is the quintessential lap dog. She wants to be with her person or people at all times! She is very cuddly and likes to sleep in bed by her person’s feet at night. Prairie is working to overcome separation anxiety and her family should be prepared to help her with this. She will vocalize when left alone, so apartments or dwellings with shared walls are not recommended.