Charlie is a great, fun loving puppy who is about 4 months old. He's can be a little shy at first, but quickly warms up to be a big cuddler. He has a lot of energy and enjoys playing outside. He enjoys going on walks on a leash.
Charlie gets along fine with cats and likes playing with the other dogs - even the big ones! Overall, he is very well behaved. If he has access to toys or rawhides to keep him busy, he is quite content. He is very lovable, always comes running when called and will make a great companion.
Charlie is currently in foster care and has learned the commands "wait" (before going outside), "sit", "come", "off" and "down". He is working on "stay". His house manners are fantastic. Charlie enjoys having a fenced yard to run and play in.
Currently, he is a little more than a foot high at the shoulders and weighs around 20 lbs. He will be a medium sized dog when full grown - probably about 18-22 inches at the shoulders and 30-35 pounds.
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