Posted over 4 years ago | Updated over 4 years ago
*She can be very skittish - loud noises and sudden movements can send her flying across the room. We've just gotten used to it and go about our business, but just fyi that she can sometimes freak out when she hears a loud noise and go running for cover.
*She is REALLY into lap time, like loves trying to always sit on my lap. Which is why I said she can be a bit clingy. Obviously I can't always have her on my lap, so I have to tell her no and she gets a little huffy about it. So she can seem a little demanding sometimes, but she eventually gives up.
*She has hissed at me before when I tried to get her to do something she didn't want to do, but those instances were very few and far between.
*Occasionally she will get frisky and do love bites on my arm, but has never drawn blood.
*She has had chronic itching around her ears, and I've tried everything - changing diet, flea meds, and nothings worked. So she still itches around her ears. I think it might just be some kind of allergy,