Posted over 4 years ago | Updated over 4 months ago
Hi, I’m Ben. I originally came to SBACC with my brother, Joe, when we were just four weeks old. We went to a foster home where we became friendly, active kittens. Our names were Frederick and Foxy back then. When we were adopted our names were changed to Ben and Joe and we both answer to those names now. We had a home for a year and a half but then were returned to SBACC because of a serious illness in one of the children in our family. We are both friendly and affectionate cats and were adopted together again. Sadly, it didn’t work out because one of us developed the habit of sometimes peeing out of the litter box. Was it me or was it Joe or was it both of us, no one was sure. After we came back to SBACC again, it was noticed that the two of us didn’t get along all that well, so we were put in different rooms where our habits could be observed. My brother was using the box consistently and he found a new home. I continued with my inappropriate behavior, not all of the time, but some of the time. I think I need to be an only cat and need a new family who will take a chance on me. In the right home, my inappropriate behavior might stop. If it doesn’t, SBACC will always take me back.
Hi, I’m Ben. I originally came to SBACC with my brother, Joe, when we were just four weeks old. We went to a foster home where we became friendly, active kittens. Our names were Frederick and Foxy back then. When we were adopted our names were changed to Ben and Joe and we both answer to those names now. We had a home for a year and a half but then were returned to SBACC because of a serious illness in one of the children in our family. We are both friendly and affectionate cats and were adopted together again. Sadly, it didn’t work out because one of us developed the habit of sometimes peeing out of the litter box. Was it me or was it Joe or was it both of us, no one was sure. After we came back to SBACC again, it was noticed that the two of us didn’t get along all that well, so we were put in different rooms where our habits could be observed. My brother was using the box consistently and he found a new home. I continued with my inappropriate behavior, not all of the time, but some of the time. I think I need to be an only cat and need a new family who will take a chance on me. In the right home, my inappropriate behavior might stop. If it doesn’t, SBACC will always take me back.