Piper has her very own movie which you can see on Facebook at Marley's World 2016
Hi there! My name is Piper. When I arrive here at Marley's World at eight months old, I was a wild child. Now almost a year later I am settling down and have learned leash skills, how to behave in the house and how to do tricks. Paw figured I'd take a while to train and in his words, "I never saw a dog take to being trained like this one here." She follows me around hoping I'll teach her some new trick and give her a little attention." At 13 lbs I am the smallest dog here but I more than make up for it with my big personality. I am enthusiastic and want to please. Of course Ive been spayed, had all my shots and tested negative for heartworm and kept on preventative. Now that I am a lady I still get pretty excited but settle down for a snuggle in a bit. I love all my foster brothers and sisters and the folks who come visiting but I long for a family of my own. Give Paw a call at 870-291-4270 or an email at marleysworld@tutanota.com to learn more about me. You can find my adoption application at https://www.adoptapet.com/marleys-world/adoption-application/