Adoption fee on this dog is $350.
We have special Requirements for Adopting a Puppy and a separate Puppy Questionnaire that must be completed on puppies. Please see our Requirements for Adopting a Puppy or EMAIL us at for more information.
LeBron is a 12 week old black and tan German Shepherd puppy. He is one of 4 puppies who were rescued from a local shelter along with their Momma Tasha.
The puppies came into rescue weighing between 7 and 10lbs. They were very underweight and suffering from Demodex mange. After several weeks of good food and medicated bathes they are up to a normal weight of 20 - 25 lbs., and the mange has cleared up. The puppies are not completely housebroken yet but are trained to use potty pads.
LeBron is the largest puppy of the litter, weighing over 25 lbs. He is the alarm barker and the protector of the puppies. He also is very talkative when he plays.
LeBron will need a home with an adult dog to help him learn all about being a dog.. He will need training and socialization with different sites, sounds, smells, and exposure to lots of different people of all ages and sizes.
This dog is a Level 2. Please be sure you understand what a dog of this Level requires. Go to our GCGSR Dogs page for an explanation of the Dog Rating Levels.
For more information and to see when this dog will be attending an Adoption Day, please see our
Dogs page on our main website at
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