Adoption fee on this dog is $300.
Chrysanthemum is a sweet 4-year-old Malinois/German Shepherd mix. She was a stray in Merced, so nothing is known of her background.
Chrysanthemum (Chrissy) looks more Malinois, but has a German Shepherd personality. She is mellow and easy-going, with a moderate energy level. She is always smiling and happy and she loves to be a lap dog.
She is friendly with other dogs but not sure how to play. She respects the cats in her foster home and rarely even sniffs or makes eye contact with them.
She does well in the car and is learning leash manners. She is housebroken and sleeps in a crate or loose in the house at night.
This dog is a Level 2. Please be sure you understand what a dog of this Level requires. Go to our GCGSR Dogs page for an explanation of the Dog Rating Levels.
For more information and to see when this dog will be attending an Adoption Day, please see our
Dogs page on our main website at
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