Posted over 5 years ago | Updated 1 month ago
Velma is a 110 lb female 2 year old Great Dane. She was abandoned by her owners in the country. She bonds to women first. She has trust issues with men and kids. She likes dogs that like to play that aren't small, dog beds and treats. She knows basic commands, like manners, get to your bed, sit and down. She can load in a low level vehicle. She walks well on a leash/harness. Is house trained. No small kids. She was having trust issues with men and people with hats, but we have been working on that. She will do best in an active home that has had Great Danes and the human is a patient women that is Alpha. Secure fenced yard a must. No apartments. Getting Pet insurance highly recommended due to breed health issues. Ready for transport from TX to WA/OR if adopted.
This is a courtesay post for the Helotes Humane Society. For information on how to adopt me, please contact my foster parents at L&S Dog Diggity Rescue is headquartered in San Antonio, Texas, where there are over 350,000 homeless pets. We save homeless and abandoned dogs and find them loving forever homes in other areas, where pet homelessness is not epidemic. All of our pets are located here, in San Antonio, and we partner with rescues to provide transportation for our pets to their new homes. Our adoption fee includes vet care (vaccinations, spay/neuter, microchipping, etc), as well as transportation and health certificate. Please contact us to ask about our adoption process and our adoption fees. You can contact us directly at, visit our website at