Adoption fee on this dog is $300.
Jayla is a beautiful 5 year old White long coat German Shepherd, with a little gold dust on her ears. She was surrendered to a local animal shelter by her elderly owners when they could no longer care for her. She recently had a litter of puppies.
Jayla was infested with fleas and had chewed quite a bit of fur off of her tail and backend. She has been treated for the fleas and her fur is starting to grow back. Her previous owners told the shelter that she was an outside only dog.
She does know basic command, like sit, off, and leave it. Jayla alerts when she needs to go outside, but supervision would be advised to make sure she doesn't initially have any accidents in the house.
Jayla likes to be with her humans, and will follow them from room to room and she prefers to sleep at or near her human's feet. She is currently fostered in a home with 3 adult German Shepherds. She has not engaged in play yet, but is friendly with the 2 males and avoids the female.
Jayla will do well in a home that is active and will continue her training and socialization. More information to come about Jayla as we get to know her.
This dog is a Level 2. Please be sure you understand what a dog of this Level requires. Go to our GCGSR Dogs page for an explanation of the Dog Rating Levels.
For more information and to see when this dog will be attending an Adoption Day, please see our
Dogs page on our main website at
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