Adoption fee on this dog is $300.
Camila is a 2-3 year old extra-large white female with one floppy ear. She was an unclaimed stray from the Merced shelter, so nothing is none of her background.
Camila is a big, goofy girl. She is friendly to people and is learning it's not appropriate to jump up to greet. She has a medium energy level, but can become over-excited easily. Because of her size, she is looking for a home without small children that would accidentally be knocked down. She would love older kids to play with.
Camila loves other dogs. She thinks they should all be her best friend! She's submissive and will play whatever game they like - tug, chase, or wrestle. She is good with dog-savvy cats that don't run. Once they run, it's game on and she continues their game of chase.v
Camila is housebroken and working on other house manners.
This dog is a Level 2. Please be sure you understand what a dog of this Level requires. Go to our GCGSR Dogs page for an explanation of the Dog Rating Levels.
For more information and to see when this dog will be attending an Adoption Day, please see our
Dogs page on our main website at
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