Tuki is a 7 year old 9.5lb male neutered blue Toy Poodle. He is up to date on all his shots and had his teeth cleaned.
Tuki is sweet, sweet, sweet! He is laid back and easy going, he does not have a mean bone in his body. He listens well and comes and sits when asked. He is totally potty trained and loves his food. He has allergies and gets dry skin but we have put him on a meat free and fish only diet and he is doing great. He would need to be kept on this diet but it is not any more expensive than a good quality food. Wellness food can now be purchased in Petco.
Tuki loves to run and takes off like a whippet around the garden so we are asking for a fenced in yard so he can run to his hearts content. He likes other dogs but does not need one in his new home he is content to be an only dog. He loves his bed but loves to snuggle up as well. He wants someone who will be around to spend time with him so we will only adopt him to a home where someone works very part time or is retired.
Requirements to adopt Tuki
A fenced in yard
Be home some/all of the day
Love me and feed me the kind of food that does not make my skin itchy.
Poodles need to go to a professional groomer every 6-8 weeks at a cost of about $50, so please factor that into the costs associated with dog ownership.
To apply to adopt a Poodle, go to our website
Toy Poodle Rescue
and fill out our Adoption Application
If you require more information
please call 508-533-8251
All calls and applications will receive a response.
Please do not call to ask if she is available, if it does not say adopted she is available.