Posted over 7 years ago | Updated over 3 months ago
My name is Hamoon and I was abandoned at the shelter with a terrible case of mange. I was so grateful to finally be with humans that cared for my well being, that I allowed them to bathe me and apply medicine. I really fell in love with all the orphan puppies and cuddled with them each night.
I'm around 4.5 years old and told I may be a Persian Mastiff mix, and some folks who run across me on walks tell my foster mama I remind them of the Great Pyranees breed.
In my new foster home I did have fun meeting and then chasing their cat! but the cat quickly taught me chasing is not polite.
I LOVE food and if you leave food around, I will be sure to steal it. I like my crate, so when my foster mom is ready to leave the house, I willingly walk in to my crate and hang out until she comes back.
I'm told my adorable gentle spirit is calming and a joy for everyone I meet. All I need now is to find my forever home.
To learn more about me, or better yet, to meet me, please fill out this form: