Adoption fee on this dog is $300.
Maddox is a handsome 10-12 month old sable male with a sweet, social personality who was an unclaimed stray from the Modesto shelter. He is a friendly, outgoing boy with quite a bit of puppy left. So far, he likes every dog and person who he meets and is not shy about approaching for play, plus he generally has backed away from conflict. As may be expected for a young dog, he is still learning appropriate boundaries for his mouth.
Whether female or male, he tends to quickly learn which dogs are friendly and tries to play, play, play. Maddox plays a good game of "mouths" nicely for as long as the other dogs do but sometimes does not understand when dogs or people want him to stop. Before learning how to use a dog door, he pawed at the people door when necessary and has been housebroken since.
His car riding skills progressed very nicely, but he still occasionally pokes his head in where it doesn't belong. When properly exercised, he does well in his crate at night yet sometimes fusses when people are away. On hikes, Maddox bounces between the other dogs and people and does not tend to hunt or explore much. However, he has wandered when there is another animal that he wishes to greet. He understands the basics of walking on leash, and he is catching on with basic commands.
Maddox would love to find a home with another friendly dog, especially one who enjoys his playfulness. He needs people who will continue his training and include him in their activities. It would be good for you to have other large dog experience even though Maddox is more of an entry-level GSD. You should be okay with requirements of a somewhat spazzy youthful dog, like exercising and socializing him and keeping your dirty laundry and other tempting items away. Because of his occasional rambunctiousness, smaller kids are not recommended.
Weighing around 70 lbs, he will probably gain 10 more as he matures. It is not known exactly how he does with cats, critters, and small dogs.
This dog is a Level 2. Please be sure you understand what a dog of this Level requires. Go to our GCGSR Dogs page for an explanation of the Dog Rating Levels.
For more information and to see when this dog will be attending an Adoption Day, please see our
Dogs page on our main website at
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