Posted over 8 years ago | Updated over 2 months ago
Susan D is an 8-lb., beautiful red wheaten little girl, that was born on 7/4/10. She is full of spunk and gets along well with our three dogs. She is working on being housebroken and is keeping her crate dry. She is learning what she can and can't chew on, and oddly she hasn't even tried my leather furniture. Susan D likes treats, is not toy possessive, likes to play hard, and likes to cuddle. We are working on 'sit' and would like to try working on 'come', but right now she is under foot most of the time. She has an overbite but right now it is hard to notice unless you catch the angle just right. I would like to see her go quickly before we're tempted to try to add her to our tribe (three is the legal limit and although she's small, she would be number 4). Some lucky family will get that chance, though! CLICK HERE FOR LOTS MORE INFORMATION AND UPDATES ON SUSAN D. IN WISCONSIN
Susan D. is being fostered in Marshfield, Wisconsin in a PRIVATE FOSTER HOME but we allow our dogs to be adopted out all over the United States and Canada!