Say hello to Lilias. You can call her Lily. This very sweet little girl just adores playing and being cuddled. She is a tiny 12.5 lb. girl with a blonde face and rich red back. As many times as you can thorow a ball to her she is very happy to bring it back. Lily was a shelter stray who we think did not have a very good life before coming to Col. Potter. She tells the other Cairns living in her foster home that she doesn't want them around her, so I suspect smaller animals would not be a good idea. She also crouches when you bend down to pet her or attach her leash, but she does enjoy walks and is a very nice girl to walk with. If you're looking for a petite beauty to play and cuddle with then Lily is your girl. Get your application in fast!
Click here for lots more information, updates and pictures on Lilias in Ohio. Lilias is being fostered in the Cleveland Ohio area in a PRIVATE FOSTER HOME but we allow our dogs to be adopted out all over the United States and Canada!
October 25, 2024, 4:09 pm