Jett landed safely in Col. Potter's loving arms after spending her first 4 years in a breeding facility. Jett's story is very disturbing and upsetting. When she arrived, it was obvious she was missing her right eye. An untreated injury and subsequent infection resulted in the loss of that eye. She has extensive scarring on the right side of her face and nose. The injury was deep because the scarring extends down to the muscle layer that controls the movement of her lip and eye, so that when she blinks, her lip pulls up on that side. We will never know how she sustained these injuries, but the lack of care after it happened is truly disheartening.
Jett story is long, yet she improves daily. Would you like to read more?
CLICK HERE FOR LOTS MORE INFORMATION AND UPDATES ON JETT IN NEW YORK Jett is being fostered in Hunter, New York in a PRIVATE FOSTER HOME but we allow our dogs to be adopted out all over the United States and Canada!
October 25, 2024, 4:09 pm