Chico has many years ahead, since Amazons can live as long, as or longer, than people. Chico was with the same person all his life until he came to us. Unfortunately, they fed almost solely seed, which is the absolute worst diet for a parrot, especially for less active Amazons. Chico also had pox in his early years, a virus that used to affect wild caught blue front Amazons in quarantine. It caused a problem with his eye that was not treated. We've had that eye removed, put him on a much better diet and given him a bigger cage. 36 is the new 16 for Chico! Checkout his videos on
our YouTube sitel
Phoenix Landing's primary areas of operation include: Maryland (MD), Washington (DC), Virginia (VA), and North Carolina (NC). All potential adopters/fosters must attend one of our free educational seminars, have a brief in-home visit. For this reason, adoptions and fosters are limited to our locations in MD, DC, VA, NC, SC, TN, and close surrounding areas (including bordering locations in PA, DE, WV). If you live beyond our adoption areas, we encourage you to locate a non-profit adoption organization in your area. Many parrots need our help!
Please check out for more information.
Thank you for considering adoption!