Hi, my name is Sydney . I’m a beautiful red girl about 8 months old. I came from a place where people weren’t nice to me and didn’t pay me a lot of attention, so I’m not sure about people right now. My foster mom says I’m kind of getting the idea but I am definitely still a work in progress. I know how to use a doggy door and will take myself outside to go potty, and I really like my foster brothers because they make me feel secure.
I will let people hold me if they can catch me but I don’t always like to be caught, and men scare me a little. Mostly what I need to do is learn to trust people so it’s going to be awhile before I’m the iggy princess I am meant to be. My foster mom says she’d like any prospective new parents to spend some time with me and let me get used to them before taking me home. If you are very patient and will work with me, I’ll be your friend for life!
We have a waiting list for puppies AND girls. Email us and ask to put on the puppy and/or girls waiting lists.
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