Polish Lowland Sheepdog

Breed Type: Herding
Common nicknames: PLS, PON, Nizinny, Valee Sheepdog
Coat: Double
Hypoallergenic: Yes, they may not trigger allergies.
Temperament: Friendly, affectionate, loyal, energetic
Life expectancy: 12-14 years
Color & patterns: Black and white
Hero image
Weighing in between 30 to 50 pounds, the Polish Lowland Sheepdog is a medium-sized herding breed with a long, shaggy coat that could give any rockstar a run for their money. Hailing from (you guessed it) Poland, these dogs have been herding sheep and stealing hearts for centuries with their intelligence, agility, and indomitable spirit. But once their work in the fields is done, they’re all about play and cuddles. These Polish charmers are as happy to play a game of fetch as they are to snooze on the couch. So, if you’re on the hunt for a dog who combines brainpower, versatility, and heart, the Polish Lowland Sheepdog could be the dog for you.

Polish Lowland Sheepdog characteristics

Average height

17-20 inches (43.2-50.8cm)

Average weight

30-50 pounds (13.6-22.7 kg)

Average lifespan

12-14 years

Exercise needs
Low-key activityHigh-energy workouts
Grooming needs
Full-grown size
Teeny tinySuper size
Good with cats
Likely to chaseHey, new pal!
Good with kids
Needs lots of supervisionReady to play
Training aptitude
HeadstrongEager to please

Popular Polish Lowland Sheepdog mixes

The most common breed that mixes with the Polish Lowland Sheepdog is a Poodle. 

  • Poodle Polish Lowland Sheepdog (Polish Lowland Sheepdog + Poodle)

Polish Lowland Sheepdog Mixes picture

Find Polish Lowland Sheepdog puppies near you

Adopting a Polish Lowland Sheepdog

We don't see any Polish Lowland Sheepdogs available for adoption in your exact location or cities near you, but here are some adorable similar breeds in Columbus, OH.