Belgian Shepherd

Breed Type: Herding
Common nicknames: Belgian Sheepdog
Coat: Double
Hypoallergenic: No, they will likely trigger allergies.
Temperament: Loyal, protective, affectionate, gentle
Life expectancy: 10-14 years
Color & patterns:
Hero image
Belgian Shepherd - Brindle
Belgian Shepherd - red
The Belgian Shepherd is a dynamic and vivacious breed with a stunning coat that can be various colors and patterns. With their medium to large size and athletic build, these agile companions are always ready to conquer any challenge. Belgian Shepherds are known for their intelligent and quick-thinking natures, making them exceptional problem solvers and versatile working dogs. Whether participating in obedience competitions, agility courses, or simply enjoying adventurous hikes, Belgian Shepherds thrive on mental and physical stimulation. Their unwavering loyalty and affectionate demeanors also make them fantastic family companions and protectors.

Belgian Shepherd characteristics

Learn about about Belgian Shepherd basics like if they're good with kids and other Belgian Shepherds, how much grooming they need, and other facts.

Average height

22-26 inches (55.9-66.0cm)

Average weight

40-83 pounds (18.1-37.6 kg)

Average lifespan

10-14 years

Exercise needs
Low-key activityHigh-energy workouts
Grooming needs
Full-grown size
Teeny tinySuper size
Good with cats
Likely to chaseHey, new pal!
Good with kids
Needs lots of supervisionReady to play
Training aptitude
HeadstrongEager to please
How long do Belgian Shepherds live?

Belgian Shepherds live 12 to 14 years on average. This range can vary slightly based on the specific variety and individual health factors.

What are Belgian Shepherds bred for?

Belgian Shepherds were originally bred for herding and guarding livestock. There are four varieties of Belgian Shepherds. These varieties are the Belgian Malinois, Belgian Tervuren, Belgian Laekenois, and Groenendael (which is called the Belgian Sheepdog in the United States). Each variety has slight differences in appearance and sometimes temperament, but all share the common traits of intelligence, high energy, and a strong work ethic.

These dogs are known for their intelligence, agility, and strong work ethic, which make them excellent herding dogs. Over time, their roles have expanded beyond herding to include various types of work and activities, such as police and military work, search and rescue, and protection work.

Where are Belgian Shepherds from?

Belgian Shepherds are from Belgium. They were developed in the late 19th century as versatile herding and working dogs. Belgium’s diverse agricultural landscape, with its need for effective herding dogs, played a significant role in shaping the breed.

How many types of Belgian Shepherds are there?

There are four types of Belgian Shepherds. These varieties are distinguished primarily by their coat type and color. They all share the same underlying breed characteristics, including intelligence, agility, and a strong work ethic. In the United States, each variety is recognized as a separate breed. The four types are:

  • Belgian Malinois: This variety is characterized by their short coat, which is fawn to mahogany with a black overlay and a black mask. 

  • Belgian Tervuren: These dogs have a long coat that ranges from fawn to russet mahogany with a black overlay.

  • Belgian Laekenois: This variety has a rough, wiry coat that is typically fawn with traces of black. 

  • Groenendael: This variety has a long, straight, black coat. In the United States, they are called Belgian Sheepdogs.

When do Belgian Shepherds stop growing?

Belgian Shepherds typically stop growing in height by 12 to 18 months of age. However, they continue to fill out and gain muscle mass until they are about two to three years old. The growth rate can vary slightly between the different varieties (Groenendael, Tervuren, Malinois, and Laekenois), but the general timeline is similar for all four types.

Is a Belgian Malinois a shepherd?

Yes, the Belgian Malinois is a shepherd. It is one of the four varieties of the Belgian Shepherd dog breed.

Belgian Shepherd temperament

Learn about about the Belgian Shepherd temperament and how well they fit into your lifestyle, home environment, and family.

Do Belgian Shepherds bark a lot?

Yes, Belgian Shepherds bark a lot at times. Belgian Shepherds have a natural inclination to protect their territory and family. While this trait is valuable, it can also contribute to barking if not properly channeled through training. Boredom or lack of physical and mental activity can sometimes lead to increased vocalization. 

Some varieties of Belgian Shepherds, such as the Malinois and Tervuren, are known for being more vocal than others, such as the Groenendael and Laekenois. Proper training can help manage barking behaviors in all Belgian Shepherds.

Are Belgian Shepherds good pets?

Yes, Belgian Shepherds are good pets for people committed to providing them with the exercise, training, socialization, and companionship they need. They are intelligent, loyal, and versatile dogs who shine in various roles, from family companions to working dogs. 

Belgian Shepherds are highly energetic and require regular exercise and mental stimulation. They excel in activities like agility, obedience, and other dog sports. If you lead an active lifestyle and can provide ample exercise and engagement, a Belgian Shepherd might be a good match.

Are Belgian Shepherds good with cats?

Yes, some Belgian Shepherds are good with cats, but others might require more effort and supervision to ensure harmony between the two pets. Belgian Shepherds, especially the Malinois and Tervuren varieties, have a higher prey drive than some other breeds. This natural instinct could lead them to chase smaller animals, including cats. However, with proper training and socialization, many Belgian Shepherds can learn to live peacefully with cats. For the best chance of success, introduce a Belgian Shepherd puppy to cats from a young age.

Are Belgian Shepherds good with other dogs?

Yes, Belgian Shepherds can get along well with other dogs, but their compatibility depends on their socialization, temperament, and individual personalities. Proper socialization from a young age is crucial for Belgian Shepherds to learn appropriate social skills and behaviors with other dogs. Some Belgian Shepherds, particularly intact males, might exhibit dominance-related behaviors, which can be managed through training and supervision.

Are Belgian Shepherds smart?

Yes, Belgian Shepherds are smart dogs. They have keen problem-solving abilities and a quick learning capacity. This intelligence is one of the reasons why Belgian Shepherds excel in various roles such as herding, police work, search and rescue, obedience, agility, and other dog sports.

Are Belgian Shepherds high maintenance?

Yes, Belgian Shepherds are considered high maintenance due to several factors. They are highly energetic dogs who require regular, vigorous exercise. They thrive on activities such as long walks, jogging, hiking, and training for dog sports, such as agility, herding, or obedience trials. Insufficient exercise can lead to behavioral issues due to pent-up energy.

In addition to physical exercise, Belgian Shepherds need mental stimulation to keep their sharp minds engaged. This can include training sessions, puzzle toys, interactive games, and activities that challenge their problem-solving abilities.

Are Belgian Shepherds easy to train?

Yes, Belgian Shepherds are easy to train. They are quick learners and excel in obedience training and learning new commands. They have a strong desire to please their pet parents, which makes them responsive to positive reinforcement training methods. Belgian Shepherds also have a strong work ethic from their history as herding and working dogs. They are motivated and enjoy having a job to do, whether it’s obedience training, agility, or other activities.

Just keep in mind, however, that even if a certain dog breed is known to be easy to train, training any dog requires a long-term commitment.

Are Belgian Shepherds good with kids?

Yes, Belgian Shepherds can be good with kids. Belgian Shepherds are typically loyal, protective, and affectionate dogs. They form strong bonds with their families, including children, and can be gentle and patient.

Some Belgian Shepherds, particularly the Malinois and Tervuren varieties, have strong guarding instincts. While this can make them protective of children, it’s essential for pet parents to ensure they are well-socialized to distinguish between normal play and potential threats. Early and proper socialization is also crucial for Belgian Shepherds to ensure they are comfortable and well-behaved around children.

Teaching children how to interact gently and respectfully with the dog and to respect the dog’s boundaries (such as giving them space when eating or resting) is also important for fostering a harmonious relationship. Always supervise interactions to ensure playtime remains safe and positive for both the dog and children.

Belgian Shepherd health

Learn about about the Belgian Shepherd health outlook and what diseases they may be prone to at various stages of their life.

What health problems do Belgian Shepherds have?

Belgian Shepherds, like many dog breeds, can be prone to certain health issues. Some common health concerns in Belgian Shepherds include:

  • Anesthesia sensitivity: Belgian Shepherds, like many other herding breeds, can have a different metabolism and sensitivity to certain anesthetics, making them more susceptible to complications during surgical procedures.

  • Hip dysplasia: A genetic condition where the hip joint does not develop properly, leading to deterioration over time. It can cause pain, lameness, and arthritis.

  • Elbow dysplasia: Similar to hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia is a developmental disorder of the elbow joint. It can cause lameness and arthritis in affected dogs. 

  • Progressive retinal atrophy (PRA): PRA is a group of genetic eye diseases that cause degeneration of the retina over time. It can lead to vision impairment and blindness.

  • Epilepsy: Belgian Shepherds can be prone to epilepsy, a neurological condition that causes seizures. 

  • Gastric dilatation-volvulus (GDV or bloat): This is a serious and potentially life-threatening condition where the stomach fills with gas and twists on itself. It requires immediate veterinary attention.

  • Cancer: Like many breeds, Belgian Shepherds can be susceptible to various types of cancer. Regular veterinary checkups and awareness of any lumps, bumps, or changes in behavior can aid in early detection and treatment.

Are Belgian Shepherds hypoallergenic?

No, Belgian Shepherds are not hypoallergenic. They have a double coat that sheds moderately year-round, with heavier shedding during seasonal changes. People with dog allergies should spend time around adults of the breed before committing to ensure they can tolerate the dog’s dander and shedding. The Laekenois variety has a rough, wiry coat that sheds less than the other three varieties.

Are Belgian Shepherds prone to stomach cancer?

Yes, stomach cancer is highly prevalent in two varieties of the Belgian Shepherd dog breed: the Belgian Tervueren and Groenendael/Belgian Sheepdog. Since gastric adenocarcinoma (stomach cancer) is generally a rare disease in dogs, researchers believe there is a genetic predisposition in the Tervueren and Groenendael/Belgian Sheepdog.

Popular Belgian Shepherd mixes

Belgian Shepherds are sometimes mixed with other breeds to enhance specific traits or create new hybrids. Here are a few popular mixes involving Belgian Shepherds:

  • Belgian Shepadoodle (Belgian Shepherd + Poodle)

  • Native American Shepherd (Belgian Shepherd + Native American Indian Dog)

  • Afghan Sheepdog (Belgian Shepherd + Afghan Hound)

Belgian Shepherd Mixes picture

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Adopting a Belgian Shepherd

Learn about about acquiring a Belgian Shepherd - the pros and cons of adopting versus going through a breeder, and associated costs.