American Bobtail

Breed Type: Western
Coat: Short-haired, long-haired
Hypoallergenic: No, they will likely trigger allergies.
Temperament: Friendly, affectionate, playful, curious
Life expectancy: 11-15 years
Color & patterns:
Hero image
American Bobtail - brown
American Bobtail - orange
With their distinctive bobbed tails and playful spirits that rival mischievous kittens’, American Bobtails are delightful bundles of adventure and charm. This sweet-natured breed is known for their intelligence and curiosity—they’ll keep you on your toes with their playful antics and clever problem-solving skills. American Bobtails are also renowned for their loyalty and affection, forming strong bonds with their human companions. They make excellent family pets as they get along well with children and are always up for a romp or a cuddle session.

American Bobtail characteristics

Learn about about American Bobtail basics like if they're good with kids and other American Bobtails, how much grooming they need, and other facts.

Average height

8-10 inches (20.3-25.4cm)

Average weight

7-16 pounds (3.2-7.3 kg)

Average lifespan

11-15 years

Exercise needs
Low-key activityHigh-energy workouts
Are American Bobtail cats good with other cats?

Yes, American Bobtail cats can be good with other cats. They typically adapt well to multi-cat households and enjoy playing and interacting with their feline companions. Their playful and friendly demeanor helps them to integrate smoothly with other cats, minimizing conflicts and promoting harmony. American Bobtails are also known for their non-territorial behavior, which further contributes to their ability to get along well with other cats. They are even more likely to get along well with other kitties if they are socialized with them when they are young. 

As with any breed, when introducing an American Bobtail cat to another kitty, it’s important to do scent intros (on rags, cat toys, etc.) first so that they can become familiar with each other’s scent before moving on to visual introductions.

Are American Bobtail cats good with dogs?

Yes, American Bobtails can be good with dogs and are often quite fond of their canine cousins. This is especially true for individuals who were raised alongside friendly dogs. 

As with cat-to-cat intros, allow your American Bobtail to become familiar with a pup’s scent first. When you allow them to meet in the same space, it’s best to keep your dog on a leash and reward them for calm behavior while making sure your kitty has perches and hideaways to retreat to if they become overwhelmed.

How much do American Bobtail cats shed?

American Bobtail cats shed a moderate amount. Both the short-haired and long-haired varieties have dense, double-layered coats that shed, especially during seasonal changes like spring and fall. Regular grooming can help manage shedding and keep their coats healthy.

Do you need to groom an American Bobtail cat?

Yes, you need to groom an American Bobtail cat once or twice weekly to keep this breed’s coat healthy and free of tangles. In addition to brushing, all cats should have their claws trimmed every two weeks or so. Cats are also prone to periodontal disease and should have their teeth brushed two to three times a week.

American Bobtail history

Learn about where this American Bobtail came from!

When does an American Bobtail stop growing?

An American Bobtail stops growing around two to three years of age. This breed is slower to mature, typically reaching their full height around 18 months and continuing to fill out until their second or third birthday. 

During their first year, they experience the most rapid growth, but they continue to develop and mature physically until they are about three years old. This slow maturation process is part of what makes them unique and contributes to their robust and muscular build.

Where are American Bobtail cats from?

There is no clear answer as to where American Bobtail cats are from, as the breed has a somewhat mysterious origin story. However, this breed is believed to have originated in the United States during the late 1960s. The discovery of these cats is attributed to a couple, John and Brenda Sanders, who found a short-tailed kitten while on a road trip in Arizona. This kitten, named Yodie, is thought to be the progenitor of the American Bobtail breed.

Yodie was a male cat with a distinctive bobtail, and he was mated with a domestic long-haired female cat, resulting in a litter of kittens who also exhibited the bobtail trait. This suggests that Yodie may have had a natural genetic mutation leading to the shortened tail, which was then passed on to his offspring. The genetic lineage of the American Bobtail is, therefore, rooted in domestic cats with a likely spontaneous mutation that caused the bobtail.

Over the subsequent decades, breeders worked to refine and standardize the breed, introducing other domestic cats to broaden the gene pool while maintaining the signature bobtail characteristic. The American Bobtail was officially recognized as a distinct breed by various cat registries, including The International Cat Association (TICA), in 1989.

How long do American Bobtail cats live?

American Bobtail cats typically live 13 to 18 years, though some can live even longer with proper care. Several factors, including genetics, diet, exercise, and vet care, can influence their longevity.

The American Bobtail’s lifespan is quite comparable to that of similar breeds. For instance, the Manx cat, another breed known for having a distinctive tail (or lack thereof), also has a lifespan ranging from 12 to 16 years. Meanwhile, the Japanese Bobtail, which also shares the bobtail feature, typically lives between 15 and 18 years.

Are American Bobtail cats rare?

Yes, American Bobtail cats are considered relatively rare. This breed is not as commonly found as some other domestic cat breeds, partly due to their specific genetic traits and the careful breeding practices required to maintain their distinct characteristics. The bobtail mutation in particular is not common in domestic cat populations and has to be carefully bred to establish and stabilize the trait.

For those interested in adopting an American Bobtail, locating rescue organizations specializing in the breed may be necessary due to their relative scarcity in the broader domestic cat population.

What is the difference between American Bobtail and Manx?

The American Bobtail and the Manx are both distinctive cat breeds known for their unique tails, but they have several differences in terms of origin, appearance, and temperament. 

The American Bobtail has a wild and rugged appearance reminiscent of a bobcat, including a muscular build and a short, stubby tail that is typically one-third to half the length of a normal cat’s tail. This breed also features a variety of coat lengths and colors. Temperamentally, the American Bobtail is affectionate, intelligent, and social, often forming strong bonds with their human family. They are playful and enjoy interactive games, making them excellent companions. 

In contrast to the American Bobtail’s origin, the Manx is from the Isle of Man, a small island in the Irish Sea, where it has been known for centuries. The most striking feature of the Manx is their lack of a tail, although some Manx cats do have short tails. This breed generally has a rounded appearance with a sturdy, compact body and strong hindquarters, giving them a unique hopping gait. The Manx, while also friendly and affectionate, is often described as being a bit more independent than the American Bobtail.

American Bobtail temperament

Learn about about the American Bobtail temperament and how well they fit into your lifestyle, home environment, and family.

Do American Bobtail cats meow a lot?

No, American Bobtail cats tend to be moderately vocal. They enjoy communicating with their cat parents using a variety of sounds, including chirps, trills, and meows, but they are not as talkative as some other breeds like the Siamese and Main Coon. Their vocalizations are typically soft and pleasant, making them a good choice for people who want a cat pal who expresses themself without being overly loud.

Are American Bobtail cats friendly?

Yes, American Bobtail cats are friendly and are renowned for their social and affectionate nature. They enjoy interacting with their human families, often forming strong bonds with them. Their playful and curious demeanor makes American Bobtail cats great companions, and they are known to get along well with children and other pets. These cats are often described as having dog-like qualities due to their sociability and willingness to play games like fetch and go on walks.

Are American Bobtail cats good hunters?

Yes, American Bobtail cats can be good hunters, possessing strong hunting instincts and skills, making them capable hunters. They have powerful builds, keen senses, and agile movements, which help them excel in stalking and capturing prey. However, despite their natural hunting abilities, they are not particularly renowned for being exceptional mousers compared to some other breeds like the American Shorthair and the Japanese Bobtail. While they can effectively hunt and catch small creatures, American Bobtails are generally more appreciated for their friendly and playful nature rather than their hunting skills.

Are American Bobtail cats good indoor cats?

Yes, American Bobtail cats can be good indoor cats provided they have plenty of exercise, mental enrichment, playtime, and social companionship. American Bobtails are moderately active, enjoying games and engaging in play, but they are not overly hyperactive. Their moderate vocalization and adaptable personality further contribute to their suitability as indoor cats. 

Keeping them indoors with supervised outdoor trips helps protect them from potential dangers like traffic, predators, and diseases, ensuring they live a healthy and safe life.

Are American Bobtail cats good lap-cats?

Yes, American Bobtail cats are good lap-cats and are quite fond of snuggling. They enjoy spending quality time with their human companions and often seek out physical closeness. Their love for cuddling and being petted means they are often happy to curl up with their people. Their gentle and loving disposition means they are content to sit quietly on a lap, making them ideal for anyone looking for a cozy and affectionate feline friend.

Additionally, consistent socialization and gentle handling from kittenhood increase the likelihood of your American Bobtail being a sociable and affectionate lap cat.

Are American Bobtail cats active?

Yes, American Bobtail cats are moderately active. This short-tailed breed isn’t just here for the snuggles — American Bobtails love to play. They are frisky and delightful but not an energizer bunny breed, making them a rather perfect combination of affectionate and playful.

Their moderate activity level ensures that they have plenty of energy for play, but they also appreciate relaxation and downtime. This balance makes them well-suited for those wanting to adopt a cat buddy who is both whimsical and playful and content to have a lazy day.

Are American Bobtail cats cuddly?

Yes, American Bobtail cats can be quite cuddly. They tend to be sweet and affectionate, always looking to snuggle up with their human friends. Of course, each cat has their own comfortability, and it’s important not to force your feline pal into snuggling up if they are naturally more aloof.

American Bobtail health

Learn about about the American Bobtail health outlook and what diseases they may be prone to at various stages of their life.

Are American Bobtail cats hypoallergenic?

No, American Bobtail cats are not considered hypoallergenic. They produce the same allergens found in cat dander, saliva, and urine as other breeds. While their moderate shedding can be managed with grooming, it does not eliminate the allergens. People with cat allergies may still experience reactions around American Bobtail cats. For those with allergies, spending time with an American Bobtail before bringing one home can help gauge potential reactions.

Are American Bobtail cats healthy?

Yes, American Bobtails are typically quite a healthy breed with a diverse genetic background. Still, they can be prone to certain genetic illnesses, albeit less frequently than some other breeds. Here are a few conditions that can occur in American Bobtails:

  • Hip dysplasia: This is a genetic condition where the hip joint doesn’t fit properly into the hip socket. It can cause pain and arthritis over time. While more common in dogs, some cat breeds, including American Bobtails, can also be affected.

  • Spinal issues: Due to their shortened tails, American Bobtails can sometimes experience spinal problems. These issues can range from mild to severe and may affect their mobility.

  • Polycystic kidney disease (PKD): PKD is a genetic disorder that causes cysts to form in the kidneys, leading to kidney dysfunction. It’s more common in Persian-related breeds but can occasionally be found in American Bobtails.

  • Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM): This is a heart condition in which the heart muscle thickens, making it harder for the heart to pump blood effectively. It is one of the most common heart diseases in cats and can be inherited.

  • Obesity: While not a genetic illness per se, American Bobtails can be prone to obesity if their diet is not properly managed. Obesity can lead to a host of other health problems, including diabetes, arthritis, and heart disease.

Regular veterinary check-ups, early detection, and a thorough treatment plan are key to managing these conditions effectively.

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Adopting an American Bobtail

We don't see any American Bobtails available for adoption in your exact location or cities near you, but here are some adorable similar breeds in Columbus, OH.