
Breed Type: Western
Coat: Hairless
Hypoallergenic: Yes, they may not trigger allergies.
Temperament: Friendly, affectionate, outgoing, sociable
Life expectancy: 14-20 years
Color & patterns:
Hero image
Sphynx - black and white
Sphynx - Calico
Sphynx - Gray
Sphynx - Gray
Sphynx - nude
Sphynx - nude
Sphynx - Sealpoint
The Sphynx breed, known for their hairless, wrinkled skin and large, bat-like ears, originated from a natural genetic mutation in the 1960s. These naked wonders swiftly stole hearts across the globe with their unique charm. This breed has an abundance of personality and adores their people — and they are not shy about showing it. Sphynx cats love to follow you from room to room and are eager to be in the thick of all family activities, whether it’s helping with your paperwork or testing the warmth of your freshly laundered clothes. These warm-hearted critters will curl up in your lap, snuggle under your blanket, or perch on your shoulder just to be close to you. With their social and interactive natures, Sphynxes are fantastic family pets.

Sphynx characteristics

Learn about about Sphynx basics like if they're good with kids and other Sphynx, how much grooming they need, and other facts.

Average height

8-10 inches (20.3-25.4cm)

Average weight

6-12 pounds (2.7-5.4 kg)

Average lifespan

14-20 years

Good with other cats
Needs spaceSocial butterfly
Good with dogs
Scaredy catHey, new pal!
Independent spiritLoves attention
Bare-skinnedSuper shedder
Prone to issuesGenerally healthy
Exercise needs
Low-key activityHigh-energy workouts
What type of coat do Sphynx cats have?

Instead of a traditional fur coat, Sphynx cats have a fine layer of downy fuzz or very short, sparse hair covering their skin. However, this nearly naked appearance doesn’t provide the same insulation as a full coat, so this breed is sensitive to temperature changes and requires extra care to stay warm in cooler weather.

Does a Sphynx cat have fur?

Sphynx cats have a very fine layer of downy fuzz or extremely short, sparse hair on their bodies. This fine hair gives them a unique and unusual texture compared to most other cat breeds with traditional fur coats.

What do Sphynx cats look like?

Sphynx cats are known for being the OG hairless cat breed. While many people may be familiar with the classic bald Sphynx with pink skin, the breed actually comes in a range of colors, including gray and calico, and with varying degrees of hairlessness from completely bald to having a light peach fuzz.

How long do Sphynx cats live?

Sphynx cats have an average lifespan of around 12 to 15 years. However, they can live even longer with proper care and attention to their health. Some Sphynx cats have been known to reach their late teens or early twenties, which is considered quite a good age for a cat.

Are there different types of Sphynx cats?

Yes, there are different types of Sphynx cats that can be categorized based on their coat color and pattern. While all Sphynx cats share the distinctive hairless trait, their skin can have various colors and patterns, including: Colorpoint Sphynx, Mink Sphynx, Solid Sphynx, Bicolored Sphynx, Calico Sphynx, and Tabby Sphynx. Several other breeds of hairless cats have also been bred from Sphynx cats.

What were Sphynx cats bred for?

Sphynx cats were not bred for a specific purpose, such as working or hunting like some other breeds. Instead, their development was primarily focused on creating a distinctive and unique appearance.

When does a Sphynx stop growing?

Sphynx cats typically stop growing between 12 and 18 months. While their bodies may continue to fill out and develop muscle tone beyond this age, their overall size in terms of length and height stabilizes by the time they reach adulthood.

Are Sphynx cats hypoallergenic?

Yes, Sphynx cats are often considered hypoallergenic, which means they are less likely to trigger allergies in some people compared to other cat breeds. Sphynx cats may be less allergenic to some individuals because they lack a traditional fur coat, which can trap and release allergenic proteins into the environment. 

However, it’s essential to understand that no cat breed is entirely hypoallergenic, as allergens are primarily associated with proteins found in a cat’s skin cells, saliva, and urine. Sphynx cats still produce these proteins on their skin, so it’s possible for people with cat allergies to react to them.

Individual reactions to cats vary greatly, and what might be tolerable for one person may not be for another. If you have allergies and are considering bringing a Sphynx cat into your home, spend time with one before making a decision.

Where are Sphynx cats from?

Sphynx cats are from Canada, specifically Toronto, Ontario, where the breed originated accidentally when a hairless kitten was born in 1966 due to a genetic mutation. The kitten, named Prune, started the first hairless cat breeding program of the breed originally called the Canadian Hairless.

Sphynx temperament

Learn about about the Sphynx temperament and how well they fit into your lifestyle, home environment, and family.

Are Sphynx cats nice?

Yes, Sphynx cats are generally known for being nice and having friendly, affectionate natures. They tend to be social, outgoing, and enjoy interacting with their human companions. They are more dog-like in this regard and will even wag their tails around their people in a dog-like fashion.

Do Sphynx cats get cold?

Yes, Sphynx cats are more sensitive to cold temperatures compared to cats with fur. Due to their lack of a fur coat, Sphynx cats have less insulation against the cold, which can make them feel chilly in cooler weather. You might catch them seeking warm spots like sunbeams or your cozy lap. 

To keep your Sphynx cat snug as a bug, consider investing in some stylish cat sweaters or creating a warm and toasty kitty sanctuary at home.

Are Sphynx cats high maintenance?

Yes, Sphynx cats can be considered somewhat high maintenance due to their unique characteristics. They require regular grooming, protection from temperature extremes and sunburn, and may have specific health considerations. Additionally, their social and attention-seeking nature calls for ample interaction and monitoring of their diet to prevent obesity. 

While their care demands attention, however, many Spynx pet parents find their distinctive personalities make the extra effort worthwhile.

Can Sphynx cats jump?

Yes, Sphynx cats can jump well. Despite their hairless appearance, these felines have strong muscles and are agile jumpers. They can leap onto countertops, shelves, or just about anywhere they set their sights on.

Are Sphynx cats indoor cats?

Yes, Sphynx cats are indoor pets due to their vulnerability to sunburn and temperature extremes, need for reduced exposure to diseases and accidents, cleanliness, safety, and the prevention of potential harm to wildlife. It’s essential to provide indoor Sphynx cats with mental and physical stimulation to ensure their well-being.

Do Sphynx cats scratch furniture?

Yes, Sphynx cats, like most cats, can scratch furniture if they are not provided with suitable alternatives and proper training. Scratching is a natural behavior for cats that helps them maintain their claws, stretch their muscles, and mark their territory.

Are Sphynx cats good hunters?

Although Sphynx cats have strong hunting instincts and a natural drive to catch prey, they are generally more focused on social interactions and play with their human companions. While individual Sphynx cats may occasionally catch small insects or engage in playful hunting behavior, they are not usually as driven or skilled hunters.

Is it better to have two Sphynx cats?

Yes, having two Sphynx cats is better because these kitties are known for their social nature so having a friend can prevent loneliness and provide entertainment for both cats. Cats often feel more secure when they have a companion, reducing stress and anxiety.

Do Sphynx cats like to cuddle?

Yes, Sphynx cats like to cuddle. Their hairless bodies crave warmth, and they seek it out in the form of human cuddles. They are often described as "velcro cats" because they can’t resist snuggling up to their human companions.

Are Sphynx cats good pets?

Yes, Sphynx cats are good pets. Whether it’s thanks to their personality or their lack of fur to keep them warm, this breed is highly affectionate and loves to cuddle up with their families. The old French breed standard describes the Sphynx as “part monkey, part dog, part child, and part cat.” They love to run, jump, chase, play, and are quite acrobatic.

Are Sphynx cats vocal?

Yes, Sphynx cats are known for being a vocal and chatty breed. They are often described as having a wide range of vocalizations and being quite expressive in their communication with their human companions. Sphynx cats may meow, chirp, purr, and make various other sounds to convey their needs, desires, or simply to engage in a conversation with their pet parents.

Are Sphynx cats good with dogs?

Yes, Sphynx cats can be good companions for dogs when introduced properly. Their friendly and social nature often makes them adaptable to living in households with dogs. However, the success of their relationship depends on the individual personalities of the Sphynx cat and the dog, as well as how they are introduced and managed.

Are Sphynx cats good with other cats?

Yes, Sphynx cats are generally good with other cats. They tend to be friendly and accepting of other feline companions, making them good candidates for multi-cat households. 

However, as with any cat, individual personalities play a significant role in their interactions with other cats. To ensure a harmonious relationship between a Sphynx cat and other cats in the household, it’s essential to properly introduce new cats.

Are Sphynx cats good house cats?

Yes, Sphynx cats can make excellent house cats for those who appreciate their unique look, sociable personality, and are willing to provide the extra care they may need due to their hairless nature.

Sphynx health

Learn about about the Sphynx health outlook and what diseases they may be prone to at various stages of their life.

Can Sphynx cats get fleas?

Yes, Sphynx cats, like all cats, can get fleas. Fleas are external parasites that can infest cats of any breed, regardless of whether they have fur. Fleas can cause discomfort, itching, and skin issues in cats.

Are Sphynx cats healthy?

Sphynx cats are generally healthy, but like all breeds, they may be prone to specific health issues.

  1. Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM): HCM is an abnormal thickening of the heart’s left ventricle that leads to improper blood flow. It is the most common cause of heart disease in cats and can result in sudden death.

  2. Hereditary myopathy: Hereditary myopathy is a rare inherited disease that affects muscle function and can cause tremors, problems with chewing, muscle weakness, and collapse. Symptoms come and go, and many cats live a normal life with the disease, though there is the potential for sudden death from asphyxiation.

  3. Others: Urticaria pigmentosa, an itchy skin condition that causes red and brown discolorations on the body; and periodontal disease, a gum infection that can cause teeth erosion and gum damage.

Do you need to groom a Sphynx cat?

Yes, Sphynx cats need to be groomed despite their lack of a traditional fur coat. Grooming is essential to keep their skin healthy and free from oil buildup and debris. These kitties need weekly baths, their claws trimmed every two weeks, and should have their teeth brushed two to three times a week.

Do Sphynx cats like milk?

Many adult cats, including Sphynx cats, are lactose intolerant, meaning they may have difficulty digesting lactose, the sugar found in milk, which can lead to digestive upset, such as diarrhea. It’s generally best to avoid giving milk to Sphynx cats or any other cats unless you have specifically formulated cat milk products that are lactose-free and designed for cats, and even then, only as a treat.

Do Sphynx cats eat wet food?

Yes, Sphynx cats can enjoy wet food in their diet, and many cat parents choose to include wet canned food as part of their Sphynx cat’s nutrition. Wet food can provide additional moisture, which is beneficial for their overall health, especially considering their sensitivity to temperature and their need for hydration.

What do Sphynx cats eat?

Sphynx cats have similar dietary needs to other cat breeds. They require a balanced diet that includes high-quality cat food, either dry kibble or wet canned food. You can also choose to feed them a combination of both, following the feeding guidelines. Discuss the best diet for your Sphynx with your veterinarian.

Do Sphynx cats smell?

No, Sphynx cats do not smell when they’ve been provided with proper grooming and hygiene. But, their skin produces oils that can accumulate and lead to a slightly odd odor compared to cats with fur when not cared for. Some have described it as similar to mushrooms, cheese, or dirty feet.

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Adopting a Sphynx

We don't see any Sphynxes available for adoption in your exact location or cities near you, but here are some adorable similar breeds in Ashburn, VA.