by Adopt a Pet, | January 8, 2024
Samantha Gehrmann / Stocksy
If you’re asking, “What is a reasonable rehoming fee for a German Shepherd?,” you’re probably in a situation where you need to find your dog a new home and have decided to rehome them yourself. This is a responsible decision that will give your pet the best chance of finding a happy new home. Rehoming fees vary depending on how a dog is being rehomed, but can range from about $50 up to $350 or more for a purebred dog like a German Shepherd.
If you need to rehome your dog, you may be tempted to list them as “free to a good home,” but that’s never a good idea. Unfortunately, people search ads for free pets, pretend they want to adopt them, and then use them for dog fighting, or sell them to labs. In order to eliminate this danger, charge a rehoming fee of at least $50.
Another reason is that the fee is a bit of proof that the adopters will take proper care of your dog. If they balk at a rehoming fee, they may also hesitate when it comes to a vet bill or providing quality food and other care.
Many pet owners aren’t sure where to start when it comes to rehoming their pet. The good news is that help is available! Online resources like Rehome by Adopt-a-Pet provide expert advice and tools, such as the ability to create a pet profile and connect with potential adopters. These tools and easy to follow guidelines make it easier to find the perfect home for your German Shepherd.
Charging a reasonable rehoming fee is an important part of the rehoming process, and it is one way to ensure you find your German Shepherd a home where they will be safe and loved.
By rehoming your dog directly, you might help open up space for other animals who might be in more urgent need of shelter.
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Thinking about adopting a pet that comes with a rehoming fee? No red flags here — they're like adoption fees (only less!) and are perfectly legit.
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This retailer doesn’t take in dogs, but there are other rehoming options available to you.
If you’re considering finding a new home for a pet, check out Rehome. It’s Adopt a Pet’s safe, simple program that lets people safely rehome a pet.