by Adopt a Pet, | January 8, 2024
Olga Sibirskaya / Stocksy
Are you considering rehoming your pet and wondering, “Do you have to pay to rehome a Chihuahua?” The answer depends on how you go about it. If you surrender your Chihuahua to a shelter you will likely have to pay a fee of $50 to $150 depending on the organization. If you find a private rescue to work with, they may or may not charge a fee. If you rehome your dog yourself there will, obviously, be no fee plus you’ll have the benefit of choosing your Chihuahua’s adopter.
The cost of running a shelter is huge, surrender fees help shelters cover the costs of caring for your Chihuahua while they find them a new home. The fee you pay does not fully offset the money that will be spent caring for your Chihuahua, but it does help. The same is true for private rescues that rely solely on the money from donations since they do not receive government assistance.
If you choose to rehome your Chihuahua yourself, you should also charge a rehoming fee of at least $50. Don’t feel uncomfortable doing this; it protects your pet and helps you better screen potential adopters.
Here’s the deal:
Some people scour ads for free pets and then use them for dog fights and in other criminal ways.
If someone hesitates at a rehoming fee, it could mean they are unwilling or unable to invest in the dog for things such as medical care and quality food.
Resources, such as Rehome by Adopt-a-Pet, make finding the perfect home for your pet easier and less stressful. On Rehome you’ll be able to read expert advice, create a pet profile, communicate with potential adopters, and more.
You might be wondering how long the process will take, and the answer is that it can take some time to find the perfect home. While you could pay a fee and surrender your dog to a shelter, you have to live with not having control over, or knowing, your pet’s outcome.
When you rehome your Chihuahua yourself, you’ll have peace of mind and your pet will have the best chance at a happy home.
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By rehoming your dog directly, you might help open up space for other animals who might be in more urgent need of shelter.
This retailer doesn’t take in dogs, but there are other rehoming options available to you.
If you’re considering finding a new home for a pet, check out Rehome. It’s Adopt a Pet’s safe, simple program that lets people safely rehome a pet.
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