HomeProCommit to Change Grants 2024

Commit to Change Grants 2024

by Adopt a Pet, | May 15, 2024

Commit to Change Grants 2024

Adopt a Pet is proud to support animal welfare organizations with this exciting new grant program for 2024, with $60,000 in grants being awarded! These Commit to Change grants are for animal shelters and rescues in the U.S. and Canada that care for adoptable pets. Read on for the details, rules, and application instructions.

Important 2024 Dates

  • May 15: Apply to Participate form opens

  • July 15: Apply to Participate form closes

  • May 16 - July 22: Participants are notified & sent digital toolkits

  • August 1-31: Implementation & tracking

  • Sept 15: Submission deadline for finalist reports

  • October: Grant recipients notified

Grant Categories 

Category 1: Become a Gold or Silver Certified Partner   $20,000 and $10,000 grants 

Adopt a Pet recently launched its Certified Partner Program, see details here. Becoming a Gold or Silver Certified Partner not only signifies your organization's professionalism and dedication but also enhances trust and credibility among potential adopters. Would you like to qualify as a Gold or Silver Certified Partner?

Category 2: Pet profile improvements    $10,000 and $5,000 grants

Your adoptable pet profiles on Adopt a Pet are one important way potential adopters can see your pets. Are you interested in improving the quality of your pet profiles?

Category 3: Rehome referrals    $5,000 and $2,500 grants

Rehome by Adopt a Pet is an online service that supports animal shelters and rescues seeking to help more pets and families in their communities, keeping pets out of shelters. Are you interested in increasing the number of pet owners you refer to Rehome who create a pet profile and successfully rehome their pet?

Most creative implementation in any category   $2,500 grants

Within any of the above three categories, a special grant will be awarded to the participation report to show off your creativity that will inspire other animal welfare organizations by encompassing diversity, social media, or out-of-the box thinking?

Rules For Applicants & How It Works

  • Animal Shelter and Rescue Organizations apply to participate in the "Commit to Change" grant program during the Apply to Participate dates (May 15-July 15).

  • Organizations are notified if they are eligible to participate by July 22.

  • Each participating organization implements strategies they've chosen for one or more categories during the designated tracking time period (August 1-31).

  • Organizations document what they implemented, learned, and their results. They submit their documentation in a report by Sept 15. 

  • Adopt a Pet's grant committee reviews all reports and selects the 2024 grant recipients. Grant recipients are to be selected from qualifying finalists at the discretion of Adopt a Pet. Nonprofit and organizations with governmental tax designations receive preferential consideration.

  • Grants are available for U.S. and Canadian animal shelters and rescues.

  • You must have an approved and active Adopt a Pet shelter or rescue account to qualify for a grant. 

    • An approved account is one that was approved after signing up. You would have received your approval email, and the pets you list on Adopt a Pet are visible to the public. 

    • An active account has pets listed for adoption and, within the last 30 days, either: a) logged in and viewed your Pet List or added a new pet, or b) added a new pet via uploading software.

  • One application per active Adopt a Pet shelter or rescue organization will be accepted. Do not submit multiple applications.

  • Applications should be submitted via the form linked below. 

  • By applying for this grant, you agree to the submissions license below and agree to provide Adopt a Pet with follow-up photos and descriptions of how the grant helped the pet or pets in your care. Photos and descriptions may be used by Adopt a Pet.

  • By applying for this grant, you agree to opt in to communications from Adopt a Pet.

  • By applying for this grant, you agree to be bound by Adopt A Pet’s Terms of Service.

  • Only grant recipients will be contacted. Please do not contact Adopt a Pet asking about the status of your application.

Rules for Grant Recipients

  • Adopt A Pet will remit the appropriate grant amount to selected recipients within 30 days after selecting the organization to receive a grant.

  • If Adopt A Pet determines that a grant recipient has violated any of these Rules, or no longer meets the qualifications of an approved grant recipient, Adopt A Pet reserves the right to seek the return of the full grant amount.

  • Any disputes between Adopt A Pet and a grant recipient will be resolved through binding arbitration, pursuant to Adopt A Pet’s Terms of Service.

How To Apply 

An authorized representative of your shelter or rescue should submit one participation form via this link: 


By submitting your application, you attest that you have read, understand, and will comply with these Rules.

Preview of form questions:

  1. Organization name

  2. Organization city, state

  3. Contact info — who we contact if you’re selected to participate

    • First and last name

    • Title or affiliation with the organization

    • Phone number

    • Email

4. In which categories will you be submitting a finalist application? Choose one or more.

  • Category 1: Become a Gold or Silver Certified Partner

  • Category 2: Pet listing page improvements 

  • Category 3: Rehome Referrals 

Questions about this grant program? Email helpdesk@adoptapet.com. Do not email your application answers, instead use the "APPLY TO PARTICIPATE" link above before the 7/15/24 deadline.

Submissions License: Each Participant or Charity may have the opportunity to submit videos, photos, text, or other content (“Submissions”) to the Adopt a Pet grant program. Each Submission will remain the property of the respective Participant or Charity who will have sole responsibility and liability for any claims related to those Submissions. However, each Participant and Charity grant Adopt a Pet, and its affiliated companies a worldwide, non-exclusive, perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free, unconditional, fully paid right and license: (a) to make, have made, use, copy, reproduce, modify, and create derivative works of any Submissions provided by Participant or Charity through the Program, (b) to publicly perform or display, import, broadcast, transmit, distribute (directly and indirectly through multiple tiers), license, offer to sell and sell, rent, lease, or lend copies of the Submissions (and derivative works thereof), and (c) to sublicense to third parties the foregoing rights, including the right to sublicense to further third parties. Additionally, each Participant and Charity consent to the use of his/her/its name, statements, photographs, videos, voice recordings and likenesses for publicity purposes, as well as any other purpose associated with the Program. Each Participant and Charity agrees such grant and consent is without restrictions or additional compensation or permission of any kind.

Adopt a Pet

Adopt a Pet